Jonathan Bellamy spoke with the 'Beast of the North East'
Continued from page 2
The church has to believe the power of God that is available for it. Jesus said John 14:12 - The works I do, you will do also. And do you know I've took hold of that promise and I've just walked and I've believed God. And the church has to wake up and believe the power that God has laid aside for us: and its not just waiting for the evangelist to come, or the apostle to come or whatever. The church has this to tap into, and Jesus wants everyone to be moving in that power, you know.
Jonathan: Final question for you then Davey. Say someone's reading this and they are sick, whatever that may be. They may be a Christian; they might not be a Christian because different people use this website. They read what your saying but how should they respond?
Davey: Well I'll tell you what. Can I do a prayer now?
Jonathan: Please do!
Davey: A quick prayer. Recently I was in Granada, we did this over
the radio, live. Thousands of people were touched all over the island.
And I just want to say to you right now. If you're in your home right
now and you've got a sickness right now. I've been anointed by God.
The Holy Spirit is upon us and I just want to pray for you right now,
and in faith, it's just a like the woman who touched the hem of Jesus'
garment. I'm going to say to you now, come and touch your computer
right now. I'm going to pray this prayer, and if you've got a healing
I just want you to contact Cross Rhythms and let them know, because
the power of God is here. And I just want to pray right now.
'Heavenly Father, right now I give you thanks in Jesus name. I thank
you Lord Jesus that Jesus has borne all our sicknesses, all our
infirmities and the word of God says, that 'by his stripes we are
healed.' And Father, the spirit of the sovereign Lord is upon me. I
thank you for the anointing that you've given me. I pray for every
website user right now, whatever sicknesses there are right now.
Father I command every spirit of infirmity, every sickness, to depart
right now. And that, Lord, collectively coming right now to touch the
hem of your garment Lord, and that Lord Jesus, I just pray for your
ministering angels, your ministering spirit to go right now to touch,
to heal, to release, to set the captives free. Father we have faith in
the name of Jesus Christ and I say right now, 'be loosed, be healed,
be free and be strong right now'.
Just lay your hand on the sickness wherever you are sick, right now
and I command that sickness to evaporate, to leave, to go to the abyss
and die and I just command healing to your body, to your spirit, your
mind, right now in the mighty name of our Lord Jesus Christ, Jesus
Christ of Nazareth. Amen, amen, thank you Jesus, thank you Lord, Amen.
I think that should say Ashington Family church?