Jonathan Bellamy spoke with Dr Ed Silvoso
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Dr Silvoso: Well you are the modern day Tercia. Tercia was the gentlemen that made everything Paul knew and taught go viral, so to speak, or like Luke the beloved doctor. I tell you radio - in Argentina when we didn't have a revival we were glued to the radio listening to a broadcast from the Dutch Indies. Can you believe that? That was the only lifeline to testimony, to teaching. But now with the new paradigms, the ones that I explain in my book Prayer Evangelism, Anointed For Business and Transformation, I'm praying fervently Jonathan that the radio station, like this one (CR), will become the voice of transformation in the marketplace by just regularly preaching these new paradigms.
Jonathan: Fascinating. I'd like to ask you a little bit now in terms of the different messages you brought to the UK, because you've been before and I'll ask you in a moment what message you feel specifically to bring to Stoke-on-Trent and the UK this time. But just what have you shared before that you felt on your heart has been timely at different times?
Dr Silvoso: Well we began to go to the UK in the early nineties, when we had our first major breakthrough in Argentina. That happened in a city called Resistencia, that means 'opposition'; and that was very fitting because this is a city of four hundred thousand people, with only five thousand one hundred and forty three believers - seventy churches and sixty eight that we solved of a split! And on top of that the city was immersed in witchcraft. That was the first city, as I tell the story in my book 'That None Should Perish', where we implemented the principles of prayer evangelism. And we equipped and mobilised those few believers to pray by name for over four hundred thousand people every day! Today there is a quarter of a million people in the kingdom of God, in that city and in that region, because of the explosive impact. So that has been the message that I've shared in the past: how pastors must come together, how people have to be equipped to pastor the neighbourhoods and so forth. It was very effective. It was very welcome. But what we have learned since is that without having the marketplace those pastors' prayer meetings will not change the city. They will bless the pastors, they will comfort the pastors, they will edify the pastors, but until 'Paul' finds 'Aquila' and 'Priscilla', and 'Paul' moves his base of operation from the synagogue to the marketplace, change will not happen. And that is the new emphasis of what I'm bringing to the UK by the grace of God.
Jonathan: That's very exciting. How do you believe your message will fit into the destiny of this nation at this time?
Dr Silvoso: Well I believe there are so many people praying not only in the UK, but outside of the UK. People like my wife and myself, you know, who owe so much to you folks in that we are crying out to God and saying "Lord revive the UK". The UK has a God given gift of leadership. Look how you are leading in so many areas. Why not lead in transformation! So I believe the UK is ready, and if the UK goes for it then Europe will go for it!
Jonathan: Do you feel there is anything significant about the timing of you coming over this year. Do you get any witness in your spirit about there being a right time?
Dr Silvoso: Well definitely. As I said, in the early nineties and the beginning of this century we planted seeds there but there was no critical mass. I believe that now there is critical mass forming in the UK. This conference coming up, I'm very very impressed by the leadership, by the groundwork done there; and our own associates there, Ross Whitefield, and Jill Dobson, I mean they are eager to come alongside to support. So definitely Jonathan, the critical mass is there. Now we need to trust God for that critical mass to hit the tipping point; and then you will have in the UK revival like the one we are having in Thailand or in Indonesia, Hong Kong, California of all places, would you believe that, and why not Argentina.
Jonathan: Fantastic. I'm very much looking forward to the conference and your visit to us. I wonder Dr Silvoso whether you'd like to pray a prayer, because this will go out before the conference takes place. Whether you'd like to pray for our city and the context of this conference, so we can put it out across the city on the airwaves.
Dr Silvoso: Absolutely. I would like to encourage the entire listening audience to reach out to God in their hearts. God is a God of extraordinary things. That's another way of saying God is a God of miracles. And most people need to see in order to believe. So often people feel "I have to believe so I can see a miracle". No! God can give you a miracle to create faith in you. So I would like to encourage everybody now: focus on that need; it could be your marriage, your children, in your workplace, in your church, even in the radio station. And now if you are able I will say lift up your hands, if not, lift up your heart, and "Father I pray in the Name that is above all names, in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, the Lord of Lords, the King of Kings, the Prime Minister of Prime Ministers, the President of Presidents, I pray in the name of Jesus, Lord that you touch everybody whose eyes and whose hearts are turned towards you in this hour of need, and that you touch them, you bless them Lord and you provide what they need! And Lord bless the UK. We pray for the Queen, we pray for the Prime Minister, we pray for Parliament Lord. We pray for everybody now in authority and we bless that nation in the name of the Father, in the name of the Son, and in the name of the Holy Spirit. Amen!"
Jonathan: Amen. Dr Silvoso it's been a privilege. Thank you very much.
Dr Silvoso: Thank you very much, and please go to for more testimonies and more material.
You can find out more about the Transformation conference on the
Excellent! Can't wait!