Doug calls out the masculine, strong, patriarch, prophetic warriors and wild men in this forthright article.

Have you ever asked yourself, "Self . why do churches today look more
like the lingerie section at a 2nd class departmental store, than a
battalion of men poised to plunder the powers of darkness?" Why do men
avoid going to church, and what can be done about it?
the lack of men in church is not at all difficult to see. Just open
your eyes any Sunday morning and go to church. Then, count the number
of ladies in the pews, and the number of men. The result: you're
slapped in the face with the low grade gin-like reality that men are
avoiding church like a psycho avoids reality.
More and more, we are seeing fewer and fewer mature and responsible, evil-challenging tripods who love leadership, the struggle and aren't afraid to boldly face an increasingly godless environment with conviction, power and the love of God.
So why do most men avoid church? Here's the stripped-away answer, without the veneer: going to church for the majority of men is an exercise in unwanted effeminacy. Church, for most men, has not only become irrelevant; it has also become effeminate. Hanging out in church for most extra-Y chromosomes seems unmanly and most men more than anything want to be masculine!
The current lack of strong men within the Church, both as leaders and numerically, has crippled our cathedrals and has helped devastate western society ethically. The masculine spirit being absent from the pulpit, the pew and subsequently the public square has not only slowed down the forward progress of the Church, it has also weakened our culture's morality, increased its secularity, and has assisted [owing to our absence] the effete elite in re-defining fundamental issues of life, sex, marriage and law.
So how do we regain the masculine spirit in our houses of worship? How do we gird the Church to press on with that which is holy, just and good? How can we Christians fight the good fight honorably, for freedom, family and society as a whole? Here are a few things the Church can do...
Put an end to preaching by cheesy, whiny, quiche eating, and self-preening Nancy Boys ... right now! It freaks us meat eaters out. Get it? Hire a pastor who throws off a good John Wayne vibe instead of that metrosexual feeling. Know what I mean? And cheer on "Pastor Wayne" to serve up the solid meat of the scripture . the stuff that prods the congregation to biblical maturity rather than prolonging their infancy.
Ditto regarding the worship/music leader. And make sure your new testosterone laden songmeister is outfitted with weighty worship music instead of the saccharine-laced slush we have had to sing ad nauseam et infinitum for the last, oh, 100 years. That's a pretty simple can-do . don't you think?
Enough with the Precious Moments prints and figurines -- okay? How about decking out the sanctuary with serious transcendent art work that stops us in our tracks, rather than ubiquitous prints of fat baby angels who look like they've got a good buzz going from too much Coke and children's aspirin?
Lose the Church's "I'm in therapy for ever" feel. Yes, yes, we're all
a work in progress but the co-dependent, extended womb the Church has
wrongfully created has allowed congregants to not get a life because
of some difficult doo-doo in their lives. Life's hard, little Sally,
and the sooner we celebrate the struggle, the quicker we will draw men
back to our houses of worship.
If the church wants to recover
its losses, we've got to draw the knuckle draggers back to church.
Masculine men are pretty easy. Toss in reason, competition,
initiation, struggle, fun and a problem to spiritually throttle, and
we'll be there like stink on a monkey. Blow off, suppress, and
spiritually emasculate the environment of these holy testicular
necessities and your church, as far as men go, will be more empty than
Oktoberfest in Bangladesh.
My ClashPoint is this: if the concerned Christian wants to biblically improve our nation then church has got to eliminate its effeminate drift and establish a masculine outlook. Our times demand strong men and the church should be producing them, not repelling them. The Church needs men, who start a ministry or start a business; who get involved in politics, the arts and education; who are not afraid of the secular thugs and pimps who try to keep Christians marginalized in a religious ghetto.
One last word for the young Christian man: Do you want to grow up quickly? Then leave mommy's familiar, safe haven and venture out into the danger zone. As Leon Podles has written, "Go find your Holy Grail; go meet the strange, meet the unfamiliar." Protect people; lead people; rescue people; fight inequities and absurdities. Beware, young man, of parents and pastors who want to "mother" you. You need to avoid the secure, you need to fear over-protection and accept happily the masculine task of being the patriarch, prophet, warrior and wild man.
Get to a place, young warrior, where pain is not a big deal, where you
embrace resistance. Then, by your example you will encourage others to
resist self-doubt, squeamishness, indecision and the impulse to
surrender and withdraw into the warm, wet womb of Wussville.
As a female I disagree with the females who are against this article. We need to recognize that women and men would not and will never be the same. There are two sides to look at. Though "society" has let men down as well as some men have chosen this route, some church have led to men being led to further stay away, or come and not be apart. There are many churches that cater to more men than women. Many church have only women ministries or women ministries starting before men's ministries. Yes some men are not leading but many times men are not leading because women insist on doing it. #plainlyspeaking