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Article Title: Where are God's Warriors and Wild Men?
Author of reported comment: Mike
Comment Date: 22:39 on Jun 10 2010
Comment: Amen, brother. Females wearing men's clothing have taken over the leadership in our churches. I'm sick of holding hands with perfect strangers when we pray; I'm sick of singing "Jesus is my boyfriend" songs; I'm sick of the condescension/sneering I get from "brothers" (who are essentially a bunch of cowardly sissies who want to run to mama when they feel the slightest pain) when they see the US Marine Corps tattoo on my forearm; I'm sick of the wimpy church board of directors ("directors"--hah!) who, when presented with an opportunity for the church to minister in the Amazon jungle, in effect recoiled in horror. (The jungle--eeew! Bugs and mud--the horror, the horror!) The only reasons I stay are for the sake of my wife, and the good preaching we get from our pastor, who is fortunately a real man. About 30 years ago I was newly-born again in Christ, and churches were decidedly masculine. And Sherryl, I don't know what church you go to, but I hope those men you speak of are men indeed, and not the pale, putrid imitations that have become so prevalent not only in Christendom, but in the world at large. And judging righteous judgment, thereby causing inevitable division, is something that males have been divinely designed to do, so it figures that you'd have problems with that. Women are nurturers, Sherryl, so go ahead and nurture, but I as a man will call the shots as I see them and I couldn't care less about how you feel about it. I AM NOT A WOMAN!
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