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Article Title: Where are God's Warriors and Wild Men?
Author of reported comment: Sherryl
Comment Date: 17:56 on May 11 2009
Comment: I'm sorry, but I think you are wrong, wrong wrong! Men don't go to church because they are caught up in the world and have stepped down from being leaders, even in their own homes. They are in their own comfort zone, which is easier to stay home in bed on Sunday morning, and live for themselves, all week long. Stop blaming the lack of leadership in our men, on churchs and pastors. There are great churchs our there, and I am in one, and it is FULL of thousands of men, who are wanting God to be their portion, and to lead them in His purposes for their lives. If there a not a lot of men in the churchs you are seeing, you can't blame that on whatever nonsense you described in your article. Most of the men who don't go to church, probably never have gone to church, since they were young boys, and have seen a total lack of leadership in their homes, and in society, in general. Stop blaming the wrong thing for men not stepping up to the plate and being the godly men they should be. It is family and society that have been a very weak example to them, not the church. You sound very judgmental in your article, also, and you will be judged as you are judging. Be an example in how you live your life, not speaking judgmental words that only bring strife! I will be praying that you see things differently in the days ahead, that your ministry may be effective for the cause of Christ and His Kingdom to come, and very soon! Living for His cause, Sherryl
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