American worship leader Chris Tomlin answers some questions.

The song "Famous One" has become extremely popular in the States for you hasn't it?
I had no idea that "Famous One" would connect with people in such a powerful way. I knew it was singable, and I loved the idea of the word "fame" for God because I know our society understands that word when they don't understand some of the other words we use for who God is. When you talk about fame, Jesus embodies the word. One day every knee will bow and every tongue will confess that he is Lord. That's fame beyond belief.
How did you come to write a song with Matt Redman?
Matt and I simply placed ourselves in a quiet spot in the back of a church for a couple of days. We wrapped our minds around the enormous idea of God creating the world and redeeming the world at the same time, and we both sensed something special in that room, in the wedding of lyric and melody. In your website you talk about wanting to be rebels. What did you mean by that? A rebel is usually defined as counter-culture. Well, welcome to Jesus. Can you think of anyone more "against the flow?" (Love your enemy, the greatest is the one who serves, lose your life to find it, store your treasure in heaven, .). Rebels leave a mark on the world. The mark we want to leave is the mark of the cross of Christ.
Have you got much more to achieve in music?
We are not finished, not even close. Everyday, we see the work of God
in our lives (especially in music). We are continually working out
this gift that God has given us. We pray for more melodies, more
rhythms, more words of worship, more songs that the world will sing.
For me, Chris Tomlin has really a gift from God to worship Him and touch and reach out millions of peoples' hearts. My very new church and I are trying to contact Chris Tomlin to invite him giving us a hand for an eventual organisation of worshiping concert. The onlyone goal is to reach out as many people as possible to confess Jesus as their Redeemer and Saviour. Amen.
Thank you a lot in advance to who can help us to find Chris Tomlin's contact address (mail,phone, etc).
God bless you all in Jesus Christ's Name !