On 9th, 10th and 11th July, 1993 3,000 people gathered for a weekend of music, arts and God for Holy Power, the third Cross Rhythms festival. 25 of them were subsequently asked to select a highlight of that extraordinary weekend in Okehampton, Devon. Organisers and school kids, youth workers and housewives, accountants and musicians say in their own words what it was that, for them, made Cross Rhythms '93 special. Ian Bosworth took the pictures.

I am certain that the heart of the
gospel is relational. Relationship with God and thus with each other.
Confirmation of this is found in Christ Jesus' exhortation that the
first commandment is to love the Lord our God with all our heart,
soul, mind and strength and the second is like it, to love our
neighbour AS OURSELVES. If Christians were broken into this
'revelation' of LOVING OURSELVES through real repentance built on
allowing God access into the very core of our beings, then our ability
to live out the Christian life would be such that people would flock
to the church. We cannot fake the REAL good news of the gospel. This
process certainly happened during the ministry of Tony Fitzgerald on
the Sunday morning when well over 700 people simply 'broke' into the
loving arms of the Lord through the 'liberation of tears'. Tony's
natural, unreligious and yet powerful expose of our lives' counterfeit
idols, insured that Cross Rhythms 1993 was a place where God's Holy
Spirit ministered to the deepest needs of the festival goer.
Cross Rhythms '93, Holy Power, was also a confirmation to me that God
is deeply committed to seeing this 'liberating experience and
principle' established in the lives of Christians. In fact, just over
a year ago after Cross Rhythms '92, Holy Fire, God impressed on me
deeply this concept for the festival - the power of God's Holy Spirit
creating the attitudes and character of Jesus Christ in his believers.
I genuinely believe that Cross Rhythms '94, Touching Glory, will be
the greatest manifestation of God seen at any of Britain's festivals.
I personally think the double rainbow seen over Mainstage at the
weekend is a real confirmation of this hope and expectation. I'll see
you there.
Chris Cole - Plymouth
One of the highlights for me was
seeing Rick Elias and his band The Confessions, who'd only just flown
in from the States, on Mainstage. The rain was pouring down
sufficiently hard in fact for Rick to quip, as he launched into a
torrid electric guitar solo, "Don't shock me Lord." I will always
remember his absolute honesty as he spoke of blue-collar crime, his
own struggles and doubts and his deliverance. His music, including an
astonishing version of Dylan's "Pressing On" was wonderful. Hundreds
of us danced in the rain, with or without umbrellas.
Taylor - London
Amazingly, the act that really
stood out for me (an indie mosh head) was Julia Bradley. Julia's
honesty and openness in her' lyrics really stopped me in my tracks and
made me think about the 'front' i put up in my own life. Adie -

Rain again! The third fest and the
third year where rain made an unwelcome appearance. I could have wept
as we arrived with the unwelcome visitor sheeting across the site. But
there was no time for weeping. A seminar, compering the Big Top, a
niggling job of organising some display boards for an artwork display
and the spasmodic bouts of rain made me feel a tad heavy while all
around mackintoshed campers were enthusing that this was shaping up to
be the best Cross Rhythms yet. I was particularly niggled that we had
so little artwork on display in the Performing Arts Tent. Then, after
one bout of rain, as I trudged across the squelching grass I suddenly
heard the Lord speak. It was a simple message. "Look up," the Lord
said. I did and I stood dumbfounded at what met my eyes. There above
me was the most beautiful rainbow I had ever seen, arcing
spectacularly from horizon to horizon. In one loving majestic display
of God's artwork all my gloom and uncertainties vanished. This was
indeed going to be a special Cross Rhythms.
Tony Cummings -
God's power poured through
Kevin) Prosch... I felt a huge excitement inside and couldn't stop
smiling... As the music j slowed down God spoke very clearly to me as
I stood before him in his throne room. The Lord revealed some things
to me about my life and relationship to him. I felt, and still feel,
an amazing peacefulness. I have a desire to know him better and to
carry out his work.
Alison Gentry - Devon
Yo'oooooooooooh. Say Je'eeeeeeeeeee-sus, Je'eeeeeeeeee-sus!!" The Rev
Charles Buckman, organiser of black gospel's GosFest, Chairman of DMi
Awards and the pastor of a fast growing inner city London church
stepped onto the Mainstage in between bands to encourage, exhort and
stir up the CR throng. His message of unity within the Church could
not have been stronger if he had gone into the crowd and Selotaped
people together. There is no such thing as a Black church or a White
church in God's eyes and Pastor Buckman's vision of a unified cultural
church was as sincere as the joy he shared. The entire Mainstage crowd
was jumping for joy shouting "Yo'oooooooooooh, Je'eeeeeeeeee-sus!!"
Gavin Drake - Tavistock
My children had a lovely time at
Cross Rhythms. Miriam, who's three, went in the creche. It was very
well organised, plenty of helpers, and there was a lovely atmosphere.
I felt confident to leave her. Then I took the boys over to the Green
Tent. There Lorna Coulson gave the boys, and a tentfull of other
children, a fine old time. The boys were soon acting out the Narnia
Chronicles and singing lots of songs. They loved it.
Richardson - Tavistock

For their concert in the Big Top
Eden Burning had them packed in like sardines. The heat was ferocious
and so was the rhythm. Paul, Charlotte, Nive and friends played
incredible, joyful folk rock, the crowd went crazy and for me and
hundreds more the acoustic revolution was hitting Devon with a
Terry Mills - West Midlands
One of the highlights was Godfrey
Rust's poetry at the marvellous Shattock And Rust In God We Trust Arty
Party event. Godfrey has dry, dry humour, powerful in that as well as
making us laugh, often at ourselves, he also brings us face to face
with many serious issues of life. As a dancer I enjoy choreographing
to the spoken word. I was delighted to find in Godfrey's poetry many
possibilities for future work. I particularly enjoyed the title poem
of his book 'Breaking The Chains'.
Vivienne Tsouris - Cornwall
The highlight for Sunday for us was when
Nuffsed sang "Fields Keep Calling". We are waiting with baited breath
for this to be released.
Paul and Jayne Keitch - Bath
I was
particularly impressed by the God-breathed interweaving of music and
'ministry by Bruce Oliver And The Joshua Generation and the Wesley
A Vaughan - Bedfordshire

Every once in a while the
river runs out to sea and God drops a brick in the proverbial muddy
waste that's left. And so it was, flat in the middle of the Pity The
Small Thumbs set. Unfortunately can't remember the song, I can't even
remember why I liked it. But it was real and kind of hallelujah-ey and
in the hectic mish mash of a Cross Rhythms fest it just blessed my
socks off.
Jonathan Bellamy - Plymouth
The presence of God was
tangible at the festival, especially on the Sunday in a way that we
haven't experienced at any similar event. It was a real pleasure to be
involved; we were honoured to be so.
Scott and Aileen Patterson