Delirious?: A song-by-song rundown of their 'Glo' album

Tuesday 1st August 2000

DELIRIOUS? talk us through tracks on their worship orientated new album


"God You Are My God"
(Stu G) This is basically our take on Psalm 63. I was very inspired by visiting Lychfield Cathedral, it was part of an all night gig and while looking around, fascinated by the history, I chatted to a Bishop who told me that the building had been a place of worship for over 1000 years. And that combined with a great sense of religious tradition caused me to think about more liturgical forms of worship. Combining modern rock music with simple chanted lyrics, "God You Are My God" quickly took shape but stayed in the archives of my four-track portastudio for many years waiting to be unleashed. We wanted to recreate the feelings I had when it was written, so we must say a big thanks to the Monks of Ampleforth Abbey who sang Psalm 63 in Latin especially for the 'Glo' recording. (In fact they told us they have 32 versions Latin, English, happy and sad all in the key of A.) So yes, they are real Benedictine Monks and not samples! "God You Are My God" is a song of declaration and a call to worship. The "Glo in the dark" section on the CD really sums it up - we have got monks, a gospel choir, 150- strong d:crowd and Delirious? firing on all cylinders. It has to be God that pulled that lot together!

"God's Romance"
(Martin Smith) This song came about through hearing someone talk about the film Chariots Of Fire. In the movie Eric Liddell is talking to his sister and he says to her, "God made me for a purpose and he made me fast and when I run I feel his pleasure." We as a band have really taken that phrase to heart. We know when we are on stage, in the studio or just at home it is an amazing thing to know that God is for us and that we can say with confidence, "I feel his pleasure." God really is excited about being in relationship with us and I believe it really is time for the saints to shine. One of the things that people are always blown away with is how well the crowd sing at Delirious? gigs, so we really wanted to get that sound on this recording to make it a big experience rather than just a record. We put an invitation on our website for anyone who wanted to come to a studio in London one evening to sing over a few of the tracks and thankfully 150 people came and sang their hearts out. When it gets to the middle section in the song you can hear the d:fans singing "Holy is the Lord." It was an incredible evening that we will always remember for the rest of our lives. So, thanks to everyone that came. By the way, you sound fantastic!

(Stu G) This song was inspired by two things - a certain 1937 Dobro acoustic guitar and Psalm 139. I was in Kew near London at Chandler Guitars when Martin (who was there earlier) called and said; "I think I've seen a guitar with your name on it!" Whenever he says stuff like that you know you're in trouble. Anyway, I took the guitar down from the wall, started to play and out came the chords for this song. Needless to say, I left the store with guitar in hand and an idea for a new song. Thanks bro! I had been reading Psalm 139 and was struck by the words "investigate my life O God, find out everything about me, see if I have done anything wrong and guide me on the road to eternal life." Reading this psalm gave me a feeling of being totally surrounded by God, not being able to escape and not wanting to either. That is the feeling behind the chorus, "fly away." Look at verses 9 and 10, we are not flying away from something on our own, but being led to a better place. When Martin and myself write we spend time on our own gathering ideas before we work on things together and then fine-tune the songs and arrangements. Some get thrown in the bin, some make it through unscathed and others become what we call classic "co-writes" where for example we have to come up with a better chorus than the original one. This happened on "Investigate" and we are proud of it. The spontaneous playing at the end was a great studio moment for us and we decided to keep it as one of the "Glo in the dark" sections. Hope you like it. By the way, Martin sang out of his skin on this one!

"What Would I Have Done?"
(Martin Smith) This song came as a bolt out of the blue. We had written all the songs for the album and we were right into the middle of the recording when one morning whilst Jon was recording some bass bits I went into the studio live room with a cup of tea to get some space. Stu G's new Dobro guitar was lying there in this open D tuning. I started playing around on it and it was as though this little song just dropped out of the sky. It really reflects emotionally what I was feeling at the time, as the first six months of this year have been some of the hardest times we have ever experienced and without knowing Jesus, it would have been impossible to see how we could have got though it. Stu and I recorded the guitars live late one night and the cello was recorded the next day by our good friend Gerard Le Feuvre. I will always remember the story Gerard told us about his cello and that it was made in 1710. Tedd, our co-producer, and Charles, our engineer, who are from the States, were completely blown away as they realised that it was older than the whole (country) of America!

"My Glorious"
(Martin Smith) This was one of the first songs that came for the 'Glo' album and we started singing it in church to "road test" it, which really encouraged us to keep writing more. It is a simple song really, that airs an incredible powerful thing, that Jesus is glorious. I love the bit at the end of the song where everyone starts cheering. This was not a production trick, but something that really happened on the night when we had the crowd recording session. Please take this song and turn it up loud because this is one of the best drum sounds we have ever got, of course courtesy of Mr Stewart Smith.

(Martin Smith) Another "classic co-write", this is also a song that was short listed for the 'Mezzamorphis' album but we decided to put it on the shelf as it did not seem finished at the time. We re-worked it a little bit and are really pleased with how it has come out. It is really a simple statement that we would be absolutely stricken if it wasn't for God and it is great to realise that it is him who gives us everything and who gives us hope within. I love the choir at the end and can remember everyone of them dancing like mad whilst shouting out, "You are the light that shines, hey, hey." The claps were courtesy of every Tom, Dick and Harry in the studio including our manager Tony Patoto and everyone else hanging around! Check out Jon's bass playing in the verses, I really love it.

"Hang Onto You"
(Martin Smith) This song was written three and a half years ago and was on the short list for the 'Mezzamorphis' album, but we decided to give it a miss at the time. Our fist daughter, Elle-Anna, was one day old and I was at home looking after her while my wife was resting. I was laying down with her on my stomach and I suddenly realised that I had to take care of this small life. As she was hanging on to me, I knew that I was in her life to help her through it, so this song really started as a song from her to me. Then, while completing it, I could really sing it to my own heavenly father as well. "Looking out like a little child, hanging on when it all gets wild." I am sure we can all identify with this at times and we often confuse childishness with childlikeness. There are two things that I desire more of, they are wisdom and childlikeness before my father in Heaven. By the way, Stu G played out of his skin on this track!

"Intimate Stranger"
(Martin Smith) This is a very simple song, simply saying "Jesus I love you." I guess as a band we have gone through a lot of years of trying to break the mainstream music scene and we will never stop trying. There has always been some misunderstanding as to what our motives and agendas have been, but we have always known for ourselves that it is the right thing to do and will continue to push on through it all. This song came as I was doodling on my piano at home and is a simple prayer of dedication to him saying, "Jesus, you still have my affection." As a band we have always sung about Jesus, some songs about the light and some songs written about what you see by the light, it is always great to sing "Jesus", as there is incredible power in his name.

"Awaken The Dawn"
(Stu G) Some of you might know this song from being sung in churches over the past few years. As the songwriter it is nice to finally get the chance to make the "definitive" version. The song was inspired when a friend pointed me to Psalm 57 and especially verses 7, 8 and 9, which include the words "I will awaken the dawn." It is a very simple song of praise and easy for people to sing. We worked hard in the recording to create different sounds capes to keep the musical elements interesting. One of the highlights of the recording was our day at Westside Studios in London where we not only recorded singers but three Scottish bagpipe players (boy, they're loud!). A big thanks to them and also the d:rowd for making it happen. We carried on playing at the end of the song and a spontaneous section developed which we have kept "au natural" which is why some of the tones aren't so refined. "The dawn" symbolises new day. Isn't it amazing how many chances for "new days" we get in our lives. Enjoy!

"The Years Go By"
(Martin Smith) This song really is a testimony for me personally and also as a band, that we really can look back over the years and see God's blessing and favour upon our lives. We still find it amazing that certain songs are being sung in churches all across the world and find it incredibly humbling that God has used us in this way. I am proud that, after these years of doing what we are doing, we can still say, "The years go by and still I fly on wings like eagles'."

"Jesus' Blood"
(Martin Smith) This song was recorded as part of the 'Mezzamorphis' session and went on the American version, but at the time we decided it was the right thing not to put it on the UK version. We decided to remix it for 'Glo' and I am really pleased that more people can hear this song. It is a very simple, very powerful truth that Jesus' blood never fails. When we recorded the string quartet at Regent Hall in Oxford Street, I remember them getting so lost in the song that even when the track finished they kept on playing for five or six minutes which we have decided to leave on. If you listen closely to the very end and turn it up loud you can hear the London traffic rumbling by, especially the big buses! This is exactly how it happened in the moment and we just thought we would leave it on because it is so unusual.

The opinions expressed in this article are not necessarily those held by Cross Rhythms. Any expressed views were accurate at the time of publishing but may or may not reflect the views of the individuals concerned at a later date.

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