British singer/songwriter HELEN ROWE has experienced both angels and demons in her life. Helen told her amazing tale to Tony Cummings.
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"I took to my bed and Phillip had to take a week off work. I literally spent days in what was some kind of bizarre half state where I was seeing the Devil sitting on my bed. I was seeing all kinds of wacky things and I can't even smoke dope at this point because I am too ill to breathe. So I am not smoking but I am seeing these things and obviously my temperature was up and you could say that I was having delusions because of that, but something was so real, what was happening, and I knew it was. Then suddenly it dawned on me in the middle of this weird state, I suddenly started to chant 'Jesus' and it came to me like a revelation. All this stuff I had been through and I forget to use my big weapon - stupid woman! I suddenly went, 'Jesus, Jesus, Jesus help me.' I sat bolt upright, the sweat came off of me and I knew that I had to get out of the house. I walked past Phillip who was like, 'What? Watch you look after yourself - bye.' I went and got in the car.

"I go to drive to my drug dealer's house and if I am honest, that was my knee jerk response, go and get some dope. I sat outside and I thought, 'No, what on earth are you doing, you can't do this, go home, turn the car round.' So I turned the car round and headed back home. Just in front of the house I knew that God was saying to turn left and I thought, 'No, sorry. God is not giving me directions now. I really have lost it! God doesn't give you directions in the car.'" But still that small voice said, "Turn left." Helen continued, "I said, 'It's you isn't it Lord?' 'Turn left.' So I turned left and this carried on - 'Turn right.' It carried on, further and further out of the city and the next minute I hear him go, 'Wind the window down,' and I am thinking, 'No, I am not hearing "wind the window down, wind the window down." So I didn't do it. Whilst this is happening, I was praying under my breath going - 'I have had enough of you depression, you have lived with me all my life, I am not having you anymore, I am sick of you, I am literally physically sick of this depression and in the name of Jesus I cast you out,' - and projectile vomit all over the car, which is why I needed the window down! I pulled over and I cannot describe it, this is really funny. There was this bumper value pack of tissues - which I have never bought, Phillip never bought but there it was, this value pack of tissues on the seat next to me. So I am clearing all this vomit away from the car windscreen and I am thinking, 'Well gosh, sorry Lord, I will never ignore you if you ever say wind the window down, I will never ignore you!'
Thinking it was over, Helen headed back home. Then, once again, she felt the Holy Spirit giving her instructions as to where to drive. She found herself on Norwich's Mousehold Heath, which is like a big forest area. Remembers Helen, "I was on the road that cuts right the way through the heath on a little lay-by. I was sitting there and the weird thing is it's quite a busy road but every time I got to the projectile vomit moment, no cars were there so I could open the door. I could imagine these little angels going, 'A bit quicker!'
"I found myself praying through control over my life, depression, anxiety, fear and then I prayed against the fear of authority. This was a big one and then I was sick again. Just then the rozzers turned up. Now, in the past, if I saw a police car, even way off in the distance, some kind of dread would hit me, I don't know why, and yet this time I didn't feel at all concerned. This police car came and stopped right beside me. They wind the window down and go, 'Are you alright?' I said, 'I am. I am just praying through a whole pile of things that are happening and I am finding it is making me sick, but I am actually okay because I really believe God is in it.' I could not do anything else, and this policeman just very sagely says, 'I think you are doing the right thing,' and I went, 'Thank you.' I can't tell you I needed to hear somebody in authority tell me that what I was doing was okay and the worst person in authority up until that point had been a policeman. The worst fear - and here was this policeman and his mate sat next to him nodding sagely, going, 'Yeah - have you got your mobile phone if you get into trouble?' and I said yes. 'Right then, we will wish you well and come back to check in about an hour just to see if you are okay,' and I went, 'Okay.' This peace hit me and I thought, 'I am doing the right thing, I am meant to do this, I am not mad, I am actually getting rid of all these things that have hindered me. Then the next minute my mind starts to go. There are no cars and I am thinking (I am even getting goose pimples now thinking about it), 'Oh my God, there is someone coming up behind my car. Oh no! Somebody is going to come up, they are going to get in the car and they are going to rape me! Oh, there is a devil, there is a demon that is going to get my daughter, she is lying in bed now and it is going to smother my daughter and she is going to be dead - ohh!' My mind started and I can't tell you the thoughts that raced through my mind and they went faster and faster."
If these experiences weren't appalling enough, what happened next was worse. She felt she was in the presence of Satan himself. "I could see that he had a whole heap of demons and they had literally ringed round the car. I can't describe that moment fully but all I can say is that it was repulsive. Then I found myself inside the car. I realised I could not speak out so I started in my heart to chant 'Jesus, Jesus, Jesus' and then I screamed it 'JESUS!' And then I realised that this demon ring was a ring because they could not get to me. It was right round me but it could not get close to me. I realised that I was protected and as I realised that this faith rose up inside of me and it was just incredible faith like I have never had before. God I think meets you according to your need and at that moment I found faith that I have never known since."
In many ways this extraordinary experience was the beginning of Helen's music ministry. "After that moment I actually found myself shouting at the Devil and saying to him that day, 'You will not stop my ministry. This ministry is going world wide and there is nothing you can do about it!' I started laughing. I literally got out of the car and walked round the car and strutted! I got back in the car and went home singing these amazing songs and that was the beginning of a complete revolution in my life. It culminated in Phillip and I becoming of one mind. By this time Zeo had disbanded. Both Phillip and I realised that God had this call on our lives and that we had to be prepared to give up everything. We lived in a house which had had a lot of demonic activity but it was a very nice house. We did clean it up before we left! But you know, we had jobs, we had security, we had a house that had £70 - £80,000 sitting in it in equity. It took us a long while to be obedient but what we did was we sold the house, after a lot of God pressing us to, and then did what he told us to do, which was to go and pour the equity from that house into buying up the equipment for a studio. It had to be equipment that would go into a proper studio, not just a little home studio; and that we had to make an album that documented this journey."
That album, 'Light Shot Through', is the first release on Helen and
Phillip's record label under their ministry The Community, which is
seeking to network with grassroots Christian musicians across the UK.
With such a powerful story behind Helen's album, there will surely be
considerable fruit produced by it.