Southern Ireland has a new Christian music festival IN:FUSION. Tony Cummings reports.

Cross Rhythms is this year expanding its involvement with music and ministry festivals by working alongside Southern Ireland's ln:fusion Festival. The event will be held at Drewstown House, County Meath on 10th to 12th September. To get the lowdown of the event we spoke to David Faulkner, chairman of ln:fusion.
Tony: Can you give a brief history of Imfusion?
David: "The vision for ln:fusion came from the death of Paul
Stephens. Paul was the brother of Graham and Nigel Stephens, who,
together with some of their close circle of friends, instigated the
first ln:fusion as a memorial to Paul principally because Paul had
loved music, loved young people and would have had a similar vision
himself for a festival to celebrate the Lord through the arts and
music. It started three years ago and attendance has varied from 200
to 300."
Tony: What is the spiritual vision behind the
David: "To see the Church in Ireland come to a
fresh revelation as to what God is doing and saying to his people, to
bring a fresh new way to praise the Lord through our Irish artists who
also need our encouragement. The festival could be used as a means to
bring friends and neighbours to the Lord."
Tony: How did you come to link up with Cross
David: "Tom Murtagh, who has been one of the
visionaries behind music festivals in the south of Ireland, first
contacted Cross Rhythms with a view to inviting them on board
ln:fusion. Last year Jon Bellamy and Chris Cole were in Ireland for
the UCB all Ireland conference and came down to ln:fusion for a
meeting with the team. There was a tremendous unity of vision and
knitting of hearts in that time we spent together, consolidating
further our hope to see a festival in the south of Ireland."
Tony: What artists will be appearing at the 1999
David: "As yet we have not confirmed any of
the artists but we have approached several Irish artists from both
sides of the boarder as well as Matt Redman and Fruit in England, we
will be giving notification of the bill as soon as we have
Tony: How has working in a predominantly Roman Catholic
country affected what you are doing? What links have you so far forged
with the RC church?
David: "The culture of CCM has
predominantly come from the Protestant side of the Church, a fact that
was acknowledged by the Catholic Youth Council at a recent meeting
that a number of the team attended. The Catholic Youth Council was
represented by two of its staff members at last year's festival and we
have endeavoured to keep them informed of all our activities on an
ongoing basis."
Tony: How is the CCM scene developing in the Republic of
Ireland? Who are the major artists?
David: "The longest
established band nationally and internationally from Republic of
Ireland is Emmaus, with Maire Brennan (of Clannad fame) being the best
known international solo artist with her current album 'Perfect Time'
having featured high on the charts both here and in the States.
Oranges At Half Time and Joseph have been steadily ploughing a furrow
over the last number of years and Joseph through his valiant efforts
has just produced the first ever Irish artists compilation album."
Tony: What battles have you had in establishing ln:fusion as a
David: "A major obstacle would be a fear of
the arts being considered 'worldly' by some churches and an
indifference, but these are no different to the challenges in most
countries. Also, the CCM scene in the south of Ireland is in its
absolute infancy but this is now beginning to change as the awareness
of top quality music is growing and we have had some of the top
Christian artists tour this country in the last two years."
Tony: On a personal level, what for you have been the
highlights so far of past ln:fusion festivals?
"For me the highlight of ln:fusion festival last year was to see young
people finding freedom and joy in expression of worship and having
sheer good fun in a totally safe environment. To see their
non-Christian friends come and find the Lord."
Tony: What is the organising structure? Is there a committee?
Are local churches represented?
David: "There is a
committee of 10 people representing members from most denominations."
Tony: Now that you have made this link with Cross Rhythms,
what are your hopes and dreams for ln:fusion for future
David: "This has been a major boost for our
vision. Their love, prayers and fellowship have been a major
encouragement and their expertise in all aspects of festival
organisation will be invaluable as we 'grow' the festival. The feeling
of partnership is now very tangible and our visit as a team to UCB has
been one of the highlights for the committee. The vision is to grow
the festival to be an established part of the life of the Church in
Ireland and to draw in people from the North, South and across the
water. To be forging ahead in the encouragement of Irish artists as
well as international artists, to explore new avenues in worship,
evangelism, prayer, teaching."