Janey Lee Grace: The Gospel Hour programme

Thursday 1st October 1992

The one time pop star presents a gospel show on GLR (Greater London Radio)

Janey Lee Grace
Janey Lee Grace

You would not expect an award winning Christian radio presenter to have a top ten hit with a groovy dance track - But that's what happened to GLR's Janey Lee Grace when in 1991 she hit as Cola Boy with "Somewhere To Live". Janey was no newcomer to recording studios. She'd previously done hundreds of back-up sessions with dozens of pop luminaries. So how did Jamie end up presenting one of London's most popular "religious" programmes?

"I was promoting a single I had out", explained Janey when Cross Rhythms caught up with her at this year's Greenbelt festival. "I was doing a radio tour all across the country and in seeing many different stations and different programmes. I got quite excited about the whole idea of radio.

"I wormed my way into a training course that GLR was running, at the end of which I said 'are there any jobs going? - I'll make the tea, edit tape or whatever'. The station manager told me that all these jobs were filled, but asked me if I knew anything about gospel music - yes I did. I've got a Christian faith and an interest in gospel music"

Janey helped out on the gospel show and, in 1990 took over as producer/presenter. The Gospel Hour' on GLR is like no other programme broadcast in Britain. "Most BBC stations operate on a 60/40 speech to music ratio. But because we in London don't have any village events there's not a lot to talk about. London is so different to the rest of teh country", said Janey. "GLR's target audience is 20-35 year olds. We try to reach an audience for whom Radio 4 is too highbrow and Radio 1 too trivial - The Gospel Hour has to reflect this. I can't just stick on some dodgy old album by a Christian band whether or not I like it, whether or not its glorifying God - that's irrelevant. Unless it sounds absolutely right for GLR I can't consider it. I don't want people who tune in to GLR in their cars or taxis to hear the programme and think 'Oh no - the God slot' and switch off.

The gospel hour features a wide range of artists and styles - Rich Mullens, Amy Grant, Kim Hill - together with traditional gospel singers such as the Soul Stirers and Mahalia Jackson. But because of GLR's music policy funky gospel dance numbers are out.

Janey Lee Grace might be relaxed and competent in her presentation of the Gospel Hour, but it is when singing that Janey comes into her element. - Having sung back-ups for the likes of Wham, Kim Wilde and Nik Kershaw Janey undoubtedly has top quality music credentials. Janey's new single "Time After Time" by Hyperstate featuring Janey Lee Grace is due for release mid-October on M&G Records (Polydoor). CR

The opinions expressed in this article are not necessarily those held by Cross Rhythms. Any expressed views were accurate at the time of publishing but may or may not reflect the views of the individuals concerned at a later date.
About Tony Cummings
Tony CummingsTony Cummings is the music editor for Cross Rhythms website and attends Grace Church in Stoke-on-Trent.


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