ICC recently released the second album by JENNY AND ALEX LEGG. Steve Norman spoke to the husband and wife.

Cast your mind back to Cross Rhythms 19 from early 1994 when we were introduced to the talents of Jenny And Alex Legg. Since that first exposure a tidal wave has passed under the bridge with Jenny and Alex keeping very busy indeed. So where then have they been and what has been happening these last three years? Well, there has been the arrival of a little Legg (or two little legs!) in the shape of young Angus. This little fellow is the source of many blessings and great encouragement to both Jenny and Alex. With this added responsibility Alex has been taking on increasing amounts of solo work. This has taken him to Lanskrona in Southern Sweden where, following an invitation from the Swedish church, Alex has been going into the schools sharing his testimony and relating to the kids. Alex says, "I'm just so happy that God gave me my life back and I know it is for a reason, not to keep my mouth shut. There are loads of people out there who use drugs in both recreational and social surroundings and don't feel any ill effects, just the same as the booze, but some of them will find themselves addicted physically, emotionally or mentally to the stuff and that's when it starts to hurt. You lock yourself away inside with your own ideas of addiction and hopelessness. I try and communicate the fact that that's how I felt but this hopelessness was not the end of my day."
It is obvious as the conversation continues of Alex's concern for this generation. He speaks with great conviction of the problems surrounding the drink and drugs society of today with a deep heart felt desire to be more actively involved with not only the schools in Sweden but here in the UK as well. "We do get the occasional opportunity to share in schools but mainly in the course of doing other things, schools generally, particularly here in London, are politically sensitive and down the years Christians have not been especially welcomed. They have this preconceived idea that we are trying to convert everybody and it's not that at all. It's about showing the heart of Christ to people."
Aside from Sweden, Jenny and Alex travel to Holland and Germany on a fairly regular basis to do concerts, coffee bars and pubs. Since Angus came along, Jenny spends more time on the church work as well as singing backing vocals for Martin Smith and helping with the 'New Songs '97' Spring Harvest album. This, combined with being a singing teacher and full time mum, leaves Alex to concentrate on other areas.
So, what about this new album, 'Granite Stones And Clay'? "We tried to make the kind of album that spoke about the issues that Jesus' heart has got a concern for and issues that would strike a chord in peoples lives. We wanted to make an album that we could take to pubs without making anybody cringe but also consolidate some of the relationships I already have." In the course of some Christian gigs Jenny and Alex ran into an organisation called European Christian Mission and were invited to play at their biannual convention in Spain. Some musicians at the convention approached them with a view to doing some covers from the first album. ICC were approached to handle the publishing side of this and soon an offer was being made to produce a follow up album which is now available.
Whilst supporting Pam Thum, Jenny and Alex were fortunate to be singing at a church in the Liverpool area which is attended by Ronnie Fernihow of Promotential. It was at this time that a support act for a forthcoming tour by Chris Eaton was being sought. With some help from ICC, they found themselves on the tour which has taken them to numerous churches up and down the UK. In mid 1995 (16th June to be exact!) Jenny and Alex sang their first song for London's Premier Radio. They had been asked by Cindy Kemp to write an end of week calypso based on some of the week's issues. One of these, "In The Doorway", is featured on this latest release. "It was great! It produced songs that gave some balance. We didn't just talk about heavy issues all the time we managed to come up with some light hearted funny songs as well. There was one about Elvis Presley turning into a hamburger and one about a Carthusian monk! We are great believers in the need to get the right balance. There is a need to write songs that communicate the Christian faith in a way that is going to be palatable to the people who are un-churched. We just collected these songs as we went along. It wasn't a tall order, it just happened. For me that is the way God works. It sometimes seems difficult but before you know it you are stood on the other side and it was all totally painless. I really do feel called to sing this message to people who haven't really been to church or who don't have much contact with the church and are looking for answers. I come into contact with some guys from the pubs who have problems that are just below the surface and need someone to talk to about these things. I like the idea of being able to communicate in a way which does not intimidate or ridicule."
Also in July 1995, Jenny and Alex were asked to accompany evangelist J John on some multi church missions which were titled Alive '95. This was of great encouragement to them and alerted them to the trap of church jargon and the need to be sensitive to people who do not yet know Christ.
As you can see, this couple have not been letting the grass grow under
their feet. Both have a desire to be used by God to reach the unsaved
of all ages. Why not give them a call and invite them to do a school
or a pub near you.