Best known as a guitar-totin' rock man, Canadian born, UK based JOHNNY MARKIN surprised many with his latest album's move into worship. Johnny spoke to Mike Rimmer.
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Johnny: '"See With Your Eyes' was inspired by my time in third world cultures (Burkina Faso, Philippines), but also from a desire to see the Church break out of its 'comfort zone' on the 'home missions' front. It's a theme that I explored back on the 'No Frontiers' album. But again, there's a different audience listening now. I also really love working with Paul Cruickshank (Cruckaz) on harmonica live. So, incorporating its use on the album was really something fresh for my recordings."
Mike: What about "Deep Calls Deep"?
Johnny: '"Deep Calls Deep' started out as a ballad, but didn't have the 'oomph' for the lyric on the chorus. Our drummer. Alex Cook, suggested trying the more rhythmic, African approach built around the Djimbe drum (a gift from Burkina Faso) I had lying around the studio. The moment he started thundering away on his 'toms' behind the Djimbe, we knew we had something special! Lyrically, it's based on Psalm 42, which was reflecting the uncertainty of where God was taking me in '95/'96. In the end, we have no security but the 'Strong Hand Of (His) Love" as Mark Heard put it."
Mike: "I Will Bow At Your Feet" is a beautiful song.
Johnny: '"I Will Bow At Your Feet' is simply an intimate prayer to get away from the trappings of culture and even religion, and find the heart of faith once again; thus the simplicity of the song. I did several re-writes, jettisoning many sections along the way, until the heart of the song was what I wanted to express. So, the simple arrangement on the album reflects the song pretty well, I think."
Mike: Do you plan further forays into recording worship songs?
Johnny: "Yes, I've been doing some co-writing with a local writer, Andy Smith, and we'll be using some of his songs at Grapevine this year. As far as another solo project, I think we're in a wait and see mode, as always."
Mike: Are you involved in the School Of Creative Ministries in Lincoln?
Johnny: "The SCM has been running for 10 years and I've been serving
it for about four. It's had a profound effect on the grassroots
worship scene in the UK and abroad. For example, we run a songwriter's
course, which is heading for its fourth year (many have been to all).
Out of the last one so many good songs came about that a number are
being used on a project from Word Records, which I'll be producing in
July. These are mostly unknown, unpublished writers who are now going
to get a voice into the national Church."