Tony Cummings reports on the Texas emo band whose Tooth & Nail album was released as HOLLAND but have now settled on the new moniker Lonely Hearts.

The release on Tooth & Nail of the Aaron Sprinkle produced 'Photographs & Tidalwaves' album alerted connoisseurs of emo rock to an exceptionally talented new band. The billing on that album was Holland, the group having changed their name from Somerset after moving from their hometown of Houston, Texas, to Nashville. Now it seems Holland have changed their name once more with the Tooth & Nail website announcing the band are now called Lonely Hearts.
The band consist of Will Holland (vocals, guitars, keyboards), brother Josiah Holland (bass, vocals) and Yogi (drums). Since the release of 'Photographs & Tidalwaves' reviewers have been tying themselves up in knots trying to classify them. One critic suggested "straight up rock and roll", another "nada surf" while a third suggested they were destined to be "compared with the Foo Fighters." Whatever their eclectic influences, one this is certain - these guys are quality. One of the exceptional songs on their debut is "Genetics". Will spoke about the theme of the song, "'Genetics' is a song that talks about the obstacles we're faced with from the beginning - that we have to fight for what we believe in and that God can exist in every fibre of a human being, which only helps us in standing up for what's right."
Clearly we are going to be hearing more from Holland, whatever name
they chose.