Tony Cummings reports on the latest single by London's singer/songwriter LUCY GRIMBLE

The new single by Lucy Grimble, best known for her powerful ministry at the Big Church Day Out, "Keeper" is a truly uplifting song. Lucy wrote about her latest venture on her website.
"'Keeper' is a very personal song for me which I wrote in the middle of a season of intense fear. Within a two week window I experienced a very painful succession of events - the death of my dear uncle, a very wounding relationship breakdown, and then I was violently mugged right on the street where I live. It's the first time I've experienced the presence of fear in such a visceral, scared-of-my-own-shadows, constantly on edge kind of way. I couldn't shake it. I avoided coming home late. I retreated into a shell. In the midst of it the Lord spoke Psalm 121 over me as a promise. Not as a magic wand to fix me. The fear didn't just disappear with that Scripture. But the promise was an invitation onto a road to healing and rebuilding my faith that the Lord truly is my keeper. It took months but I held on to the promise, desperate for the penny to drop, often frustrated that it hadn't yet, willing my heart, mind and body to catch up with what my spirit knew to be true.
"Months later, God deepened my understanding by showing me how powerful his light - the same light that lives inside of us - is. [As I was] driving home in the middle of darkness on a country lane he said, 'Stop the car and look at the stars'. The night air was like a heavy chilly cloak as I turned off my car and stepped out into total darkness. I looked up and I immediately heard the Lord say, 'There's more light in you than in one of those stars'. See, fear had made my belief in the light, not the light itself, dim and it was in that moment that my belief burst back into life. I'd become used [to] avoiding the shadows, avoiding the darkness because they were threatening to me and because I didn't believe the light was stronger. But the light that lives in us is so much more threatening to the darkness than we know! The light shines and the darkness cannot overcome it! (John 1:5) Light is unreceptive to darkness. It's darkness that has to give way when light shows up.
"I'm still healing but my belief is firm. That fear and darkness is no match for the light that will never go out."
Lucy continues to minister at numerous events as diverse as Prom
Praise, Big Church Day Out and David's Tent. Wherever she plays, the
powerful singer/songwriter gives her all. She wrote, "My heart in
worship is simply to create a space for people to encounter the love
of God."