Mike Rimmer quizzed MARTIN AND ANNA SMITH about their new autobiographical books
Continued from page 4
Anna: Yes, that's right. I think that, as I said earlier, if you can get things organised, everything doesn't have to be so big and crazy in your head if you just put a few boxes around things, I guess.
Mike: So what's going to happen next for the two of you? Obviously you're going to be promoting your books, but what's happening next for you, just in life generally?
Martin: Well on Monday we go to Columbia as a family. We're going for two weeks to be a part of the G12 conference out there. So, different for both of us. We'll be involved in that and the kids are coming with us so that will be a great experience for them. When we get back I think it's going to be a season of the books finding their own journeys and whatever comes out from there: we don't really know. I think God will surprise us in some ways. I've got lots of songs I'd like to start demoing. I think there's enough to keep us busy all year.
Mike: Sounds like it. So we might see a Martin Smith solo album by the end of the year?
Martin: Well, I don't think by the end of this year, but I'd like to spend some time this year looking at all the songs I've been writing and write some more. I think I need this time and space again to figure out what I want to say and what God wants to say: I think that's still emerging and I'm still trying to discover that. I don't want to rush that and the idea of it would be great but it's a little bit early at the moment, I think.
You can buy Delirious: My Journeys With The Band, A Growing
Family And An Army Of Historymakers (£9.49) and Meet Mrs Smith: My Adventures With Six Kids, One
Rockstar Husband, And A Heart To Fight Poverty (£9.49), from
Cross Rhythms Direct.
haven't had the opportunity to thank Martin for the wonderful n Holy Spirit filled music that has touched and help build n strengthen my life. I was born again, me and my whole family all on 17jul 1999 and my son recommended 'king of fools' 'what a Friend I've found'. Such a wonderful song, created for angels to sing :).