British singer/songwriter MIKE HENSON tells of his first Christian albums and his all-time favourites

I seem to remember my first Christian album being one by Steven Curtis
Chapman, and then it was dc Talk's 'Free At Last', which, at the time,
I thought was the height of cool. Early discoveries were the first and
second Jars Of Clay albums that had a huge influence on my writing and
singing style. All time favourites - Plumb when they were a group. I
like the quirky oddness of their self-titled album. I suppose
Delirious? as well, but for different reasons. In particular the 'Live
And In The Can' album brings back good memories. For an absolute
favourite I'll plump for 'Gotta Get Through This' by Daniel
Bedingfield - I love the creativity and diversity of his stuff. I have
a lot of respect for people who have ignored that imaginary
sacred/secular divide.