New Gotee Records artist PAUL WRIGHT fields a few questions.

How does it feel to be signed by Gotee?
I was inspired by [Gotee founder] Toby Mac as a kid, so having him catch a vision for my music brings everything full circle.
What inspired the album title?
The title comes from an analogy in a Bob George book about caterpillars transforming into butterflies.
I understand the title song was inspired by someone you met with a real life dysfunctional relationship?
Yes, after telling me about her relationship, I asked my friend what she was looking for. I sensed that her unhealthy relationship was influencing every aspect of her life. This reminded me of how our relationship with things that bring us down can make us question our identity and our purpose in life. Much like a caterpillar that becomes a butterfly we are a new creation in Christ. If a butterfly didn't know it had wings it'd still crawl like a caterpillar. And a Christian that doesn't know they can live by God's Spirit and the Word will naturally live by the flesh. I often hear others questioning what God's will is for their life. I'm beginning to learn God's will is more about discovering who we really are. For when we see who we are we'll know what to do.
What is your favourite creative risk on 'Fly Away'?
On "You're Beautiful" the bridge rocks out, but then the drums break
down and it's just an acoustic guitar, a cello and me singing this
refrain over and over again like a worship song.