Playing at Cross Rhythms 'Sanctified Dance Party' are new dance group RE:FRESH. Mike Rimmer spoke to the group.

Tim Owen, Kirsty Buxbaum and Eils are the new three-piece dance pop band Re:fresh. They have been on the go since last year and are fronted by Eils who you may recognise from 'The Great Awakening' album and 65dBA's 'Shout' concerts. Eils is on the telephone and she's answering my impertinent enquiries like...What sort of name is Eils then? "It's just short for Eileen," says Eils. "One of my brothers nicknamed me when I was young, when he went through a stage of shortening everything!"
Re:fresh are all members of New Generation Ministries and are based in Bristol. If you're not in the know, NGM was set up in 1989 by Ray and Nancy Goudie out of the work they did with 80s prophetic pop band Heartbeat. In 1985 God had given the Goudies a strong conviction that revival was on its way. In line with this vision, NGM train young people in creative arts and evangelism. The ministry now has 30 full time workers which includes four bands, Jimmy Ragstaff, Rhythmworks, 65Dba and Re:fresh. There are plans to release dance and pop songs with a strong prophetic edge into the secular market through a new record label, Orange, which NGM have set up. Re:fresh's album 'Spin' is the first release through this label.
So I wondered, how did Re:fresh get together? Eils explains, "NGM advertised nationally for Christian musicians who had a real passion to communicate their Christian faith. They auditioned and interviewed everybody and Re:fresh members came through that. We were put together to primarily serve the Bristol schools. But in the first year together we have worked in Holland, Belgium and Denmark in addition to England. So we get around a bit!"
Their album has had some help from the World Wide Message Tribe's Zarc Porter and Mark Pennells. As Eils explains, "We actually asked Zarc and Mark from the Tribe to write some of our material because we greatly respect their ability to produce great quality dance music." Having listened to the album, it's clear that respect was well founded but I wondered how she would define the band musically?
It is clear they are still finding their musical feet when Eils replies, "At this stage with a debut album, we don't really want to limit the definition of the band musically speaking. I think finding the definition of Re:fresh will be more of a process. As the band develops our identity will continually be shaped. 'I Always Believe In You' reflects our light pop sound and it's great for dancing to and this is obviously a strong element to our music and our performance but 'Refreshing Rain' really carries something of what God is doing at this time and as individuals and as a band, our desire will always be to communicate something of the nature and power of God."
So Eils, what is a typical day in the life of Re:fresh? "A typical day doesn't really exist," she laughs. "No two weeks are the same really! Generally it comprises of schools work, taking assemblies, RE lessons, lunchtime concerts and we do loads of evangelistic events and teaching. We spend time as a team, praying and seeking God for everything that we are doing as well as keeping fit and those kind of things which is in our schedule weekly. But a typical day doesn't really exist."
So how does the band use the songs contained on the 'Spin' album when they are in a school? "We explain the message of the gospel in our introductions to our songs, just talking plainly in every day language, we explain what we believe in a relevant but uncompromising way. We really want people to understand the gospel so that it will bring them life and not bore them to tears. In schools, we've received a great response with audiences joining in enthusiastically and many of them chatting to us afterwards with great interest about what we believe. I think British young people in general are quite open to hear about God and there seems to be a great hunger to find answers to tough questions that relate to their immediate world. This is the front line where the music and the work of Re:fresh aims to communicate real hope."
And that's where the heart of this trio lies, quietly working at reaching the next generation. Eils sums it up, "There is a tremendous harvest amongst young people and we want to be a vehicle for God to reach out with his love and power and see them transformed and brought into his kingdom. We really hope that people will enjoy our music and enjoy dancing and grooving on down to it!"
For a 22 year old, Eils seems to be a seasoned professional already. Having spent some time with 65dBA and now working with Re:fresh, what is the difference between the two groups? "The bands are completely different and my role within them is as well. I worked on 'The Great Awakening' and 'Shout' tours with dBA but I was never a full time member of the band. With Re:fresh, I lead the band so that is quite a big distinction."
What would happen if the band really took off and an appearance on Top
Of The Pops beckoned? Eils is suitably level headed. "It's clear that
God has plans for us to release material into the mainstream market
and I suppose appearances on TOTP would be par for the course if
things really took off." But what would your mother think of it all if
her daughter were on telly? "I think my mum would be in the front line
of the audience or if not she would be poised to video every second
because she is so mega supportive of what I do." Listening to 'Spin'
it may not be too many Thursdays before Tim, Kirsten and Eils are
strutting their stuff on your TV screen. Glamorous eh? But thankfully,
stardom isn't the thing that's driving this band.