Tony Cummings reports on a unique scheme where local church worship composers get a chance to have their songs professionally recorded and released on an album series.
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"I was brought up in a Christian family in the Midlands with parents who were very involved in their local church. Here most Sunday evenings I would hear the Gospel message and at the age of nine it finally meant something to me and I confessed Jesus as my Saviour and Lord. Around the same time I began to learn to play the trumpet and later on the piano. I went to music college in London and I am now director of music in a school in Devon. I enjoy composing and have written several children's musicals, songs for worship, choral and instrumental music and organise workshops ranging from piano improvisation to steel band. You can hear one of my children's songs on Ishmael's CD 'It's Tots Praise' (Kingsway). I live in Dorset with my wife Sally and four children and worship in our village Anglican Church.
"I began song writing as a teenager expressing my ups and downs in my walk with God. The song 'One Heart's Desire' comes from an appreciation of God's love and a yearning within to live God's holy ways. But oh how easy it is to fail. We need the Holy Spirit. Jesus said: 'But the time is coming and is already here, when by the power of God's Spirit people will worship the Father as he really is, offering him the true worship that he wants. God is Spirit, and only by the power of his Spirit can people worship him as he really is.' (John 4: 23-24 Good News Bible)
"I found out about the 'Re-leased' series at dB Studios when I sent the sheet music of some of my songs to Chris Bowater asking his advice. The reply was an invitation to take part in this project."

"Your Presence" on
'Re-leased 3' (2005)
"Jesus Is The Name" on 'Re-leased 4' (2006)
"I currently live in Southport with my husband and three children. We serve at the Elim church and I am particularly involved in the worship there. I now work part time teaching woodwind. I spent my growing up years in Nottingham, then moved to Yorkshire to study music at Bretton Hall arts college in which I majored in clarinet; my second study was piano.
"After graduation the real world of work kicked in and I started teaching music and art and though enjoyable my creative impulses needed an outlet. I had always written words down and one day I sat at the piano with a heap of journals and paper and the songwriting bug got hold. I became a Christian at a young age and had a very supportive family; I thank God for patiently keeping me. A friend heard my song "Your Presence" and told me about the 'Re-leased' album, so I sent it off and went to record it. I wrote it very quickly after an experience of the presence of God which changed my perception of the God I thought I knew. It was life changing and still continues to be.
"In February 2005 I recorded my first album 'Breathing November' at dB Studios. I write songs continually, it seems, and I'm seeking God as to how best to serve him. My website contains dates I'm playing and contact details."

"My Redeemer" on 'Re-leased
1' (2003)
"He's Weeping Too" on 'Re-leased 1' (2003)
"Pressing On" on 'Re-leased 3' (2005)
"Born in East London, my love of music began early on in life. I have been writing songs in one form or another since I was a teenager. Playing with other musicians early on helped me understand dynamics and texture within my music. Those early years of influence came to fruition when I dramatically came to know the Lord at the age of 30 and began writing songs in greater volume and purpose. I now live in a village in Cambridgeshire and head up the worship team at Huntingdonshire Community Church (the apostolic centre of Plumbline Ministries International) and have recently led worship at many events both nationally and in the USA. Sunday morning remains the main focus for me, but it's also great to get into local pubs and clubs where the music can touch people who would never walk across a church threshold.
"Along with three tracks recorded on the 'Re-leased' projects at dB Studios, I have also recorded two CDs to date, one with a band I was in, The Narrowgate, and in 2004 a solo project 'Pressing On' on which musicians I have known for many years helped out.
"I have always written songs, but coming to know the Lord gave me a greater focus for my songs. Being able to express how I felt about my faith and my relationship with God was a wonderful release for me and I found to my joy that my songs also helped others express their love of the Lord too. The song "Redeemer" came from a true realisation that someday soon 'He will return', maybe even tomorrow, and the fact that in truth I can't wait for that day. It's just a simple declaration of truth."

"Come Holy Spirit" on
'Re-leased 1' (2003)
"I am 42, married for 20 years to Stephanie with two fantastic, God-given children called James and Camilla. I am the worship pastor at an AOG church, Woodford Christian Life Church in South Woodford, London. I was abused by a church minister in my teens and this really ruined my life, my marriage and friendships but in September 2002 God stepped in and saved me, healed me and restored my life and marriage! ( for the full story) Now I have seen God truly restore my life and the years that were stolen. I live in Dagenham, Essex at the moment but am moving to Woodford soon. I released my debut worship album called 'Solid Rock' which is doing well.
"I began writing songs when I was a teenager and shared one of them with my then church minister. I was told, 'How dare you write songs, you will never do this again or be any good at it so stop it now.' That really gave me confidence as you can imagine! But God had other ideas and after my healing songs just flooded out of my heart, songs of love and gratitude to God for all that he had done. 'Come Holy Spirit' was just a prayer and acknowledgement that I needed God's power in my life and could not make it without him.
Well done to all at db studios for this commendable initiative to listen to the voices faithfully serving the local church in the UK. More of the same please!