In America's CCM scene RICH MULLINS has done it all, writing songs for Amy Grant, composing popular worship choruses and recording a series of increasingly daring albums of his own. He spoke at length to Jan Willem Vink.

Last year Rich Mullins fulfilled a dream. Together with some musicians/friends he entered a studio in Indiana, USA, for a recording retreat. There he proceeded to record an album, where the whole group of artists were involved in every aspect of the creative process. The result 'A Liturgy, A Legacy And A Ragamuffin Band', is undoubtedly the highlight of Mullins' career. It mixes enough musical and lyrical creativity to make it highly adventurous and enough commercial accessibility to make it another big seller for Reunion Records. Mullins is a master of his art, in combining the simple with the profound and the heavenly with an earthy reality.
Before entering the studio, Rich commented: "I think that the greatest value of music is not in hearing but in doing it. I would like to do an album where the recording is as much a part of the album as the finished product, where the process is very important and integrated with the finished product. I especially want to work with people that I'm already familiar with because music is a very intimate thing. It's good if you can work with people that are comfortable enough that they can say when someone is playing badly and the person isn't offended, they in fact laugh. Because you have to reach that level of trust with one another, in order to do the exploratory things."
Mullins and
long-time producer Reed Arvin selected a group of friends that were
'ragamuffins' by Mullins' standards: "People with enough musical
identity that they make lousy studio musicians because they kind of
are who they are, and that comes through what they play. People like
Jimmy A, Rick Elias, Chris McHugh and 'Beaker', Mullins' travelling
companion, fellow on-stage musician and co-writer." Beaker is a
non-studio musician who sometimes does things studio musicians
wouldn't do because they would think it was wrong. But sometimes the
wrong thing to do is the right thing", Rich comments. Part of the
whole concept of 'A Liturgy A Legacy And A Ragamuffin Band', was to
give musicians instruments to play, they had never played before. Such
as Jimmy Abegg, who played all the mandolins on the album. Remembers
Rich: "That was fun. Jimmy had never played mandolin. It was a blast;
watching him work out a part, then try to play it. When you learn to
play an instrument, you learn the roads, how to get around musical
problems. And when you don't play an instrument, you don't know how to
get problems, so you approach it differently. The same thing with
Beaker, he doesn't really know anything about playing any of these
instruments. He just picks it up and hammers it out, I kinda like that
better. I'm the original anti-virtuoso guy. I think music is not a
good place for virtuosity."
On 'A Liturgy...' Mullin's Irish roots became obvious. "I've always listened to a lot of traditional Irish music", says Rich. "Americans are not nearly as provincial as everyone thinks we are. I like Russian music. We're pretty familiar with European music and it was fun to hear some European folk music in this setting as opposed to hearing it in a concert hall. I think what has happened is each time I make an album it sells a little bit better than the one before, so that each time my record company gives me a little bit more rope to hang myself on."
The final result of 'A Liturgy...' is
only partly satisfying to Rich. "It didn't exactly work out. Part of
collaborating is compromising. It didn't do exactly what I wanted it
to do. But then I kinda go: I'm such a critic; I don't know what it
would take to feel good about an album that I have done. Some songs
were very spontaneous: 'Here In America', 'Hold Me Jesus', 78
Eatonwood Green','How To Grow Up Big And Strong', these really stand
out in my memory as being pretty live with some of those glitches and
flaws that make live music so much more... I don't know, is
'vulnerable' a good word? How about 'innocent'? I would like somehow
to get the listener in the studio but I'm not sure how. Still, Rich is
determined to keep recording in this new adventurous vein. "Songs like
'Hold Me Jesus' came out really good. Now I figured out all I have to
do is write a lot more songs in that vein. Because when I write a big
song, like 'Creed', it's gonna want big sounds and anyone who is
producing is going to say 'let's put an orchestra in it. And I go:
'No! Let's not. Let's put a hurdy-gurdy in it.' Of course they felt
that that was absurd..."
Side one of 'A Liturgy...'
explores the Liturgy of life as a Christian. Liturgy is reciting
psalms, singing hymns, saying prayers, sharing communion: the
structure of our worship. Rich's liturgy includes 'Creed', his version
of the Apostle's Creed, 'Peace (A Communion Blessing From St. Joseph
Square)' and 'Hold Me Jesus', a poignant ballad asking for divine
"I became real interested on a more liturgical kind of church experience several years ago" explains Rich, "When I served as a youth minister in a more liturgical church I really enjoyed the (organisation of the) liturgy. One of the things that struck me, even in my church, which was not a liturgical church, was there were certain things you do every Sunday. For instance you will have communion, which for me connects me to Paul, Augustine, Luther. All through history people have gotten together and broken bread together. When I do that I'm not only connecting with the other people in that particular room at that particular time, but I'm connecting with people who for two thousand years have said 'no matter what else happens, when we come together, we break bread and we will remember and proclaim the death of the Lord until He comes'.
Most of The Liturgy...' was
written during Rich's low-key 'The World As Best As I Remember It'
tour through Europe, during the summer of 1992.
The Legacy Mullins talks about, has a lot to do with Europe, with his own ancestors, who came from France, Germany and Ireland. Legacy is something handed down from the past, the undercurrents that make us who we are.
"For me it's very humbling to think of my great, great grandfather. He was a stow-away, he was an orphan in France and he stowed-away on a boat to come to America. And I think about that kind of courage. Had he not done that I would have never happened. He never would have met his wife, they never would have had their children, their children never would have met their spouses, they wouldn't have had their children. I would not have existed if it had not been for this man's courage. So we look at the legacy that has been handed to us and I think we should feel some humility in fronting it. The legacy that I've been handed down does two things for me. First of all, it makes me very humble, it makes me recognize that many people have done many great things, in order for me to enjoy the life that I enjoy. Ultimately the thing that has made my life good is the faith that I've been handed down. That faith, that Christian faith, is more important than anything else. So I'm grateful for those people who have known the Spirit of Christ and who have lived in the power of His resurrection and whose lives I look at.
people from Rich's family have been an example for him, in other
words, have handed their legacy down to him. What people were
significant for the singer? " I come from a pretty big family, so
there are lots of 'significant people' who are examples to me. My dad
was a very emotional man who believed love was a very practical thing
and that it expressed itself in practical ways. My mom was (and is) a
very quiet, steadfast woman who is strong and gentle and never cold.
My great grandparents lived next door to us and great-grandma told me
great stories at nap time. My grandpa Dean loved books- My grandma and
grandpa Mullins fed a dozen people every Sunday and were very funny
and earthy. My Uncle David and Aunt Fiossie have always been avid card
players. My Uncle Dick is possibly the most giving man I know - very
giving and caring. Jim Lewis - a cousin of mine - was (along with King
David) my boyhood hero. My dad's four sisters (we call them the 'four
sisters of the Apocalypse') are extremely lively women who have met
life head on and though they're in their 60's and up, they are still
more fun than most people my age. I could go on forever, but my
telling is a shabby telling of their lives and their impact on me. Did
I mention my Uncle Glenn?"
Rich grew up on a farm. "We were poor
farmers - not by world standards, but by American standards. We had a
small farm. We always ate good meals, we had a huge garden, we raised
a lot of our own food. For me that meant that we were poor. I had no
idea how bad beans taste out of a can. Because I had been raised
beside a garden. Now I live in a city and I have to eat like most
people that we thought were rich. And I go 'this is awful'. I go home
and get beans that are fresh picked and I go 'wow, this is delicious'.
One of Rich's many childhood memories is longing to own a piano.
"There were people who went to our church that never played their
pianos and they only used them as furniture. I can remember thinking
'what I would give to have that piano- just to be able to play it'.
For years all of those feelings kind of grew into a real resentment
towards rich people, which I still struggle with. Still today, when
I'm around people who are wealthy, I don't like them. It's harder for
me to communicate the love of God to rich people than it is to the
poor people, for I have such a hang-up with wealth.
Rich continues telling stories of his youth. "My dad had to work in a tool shop all day then on the farm evenings and in the barn, repairing tractors and things, until late at night. Work was the man's course and we were taught to value it. Plus, we learned to value each other. I loved music and never had enough time to listen to enough albums or to practice enough piano. Our house was small and I think I drove everyone else out ot it playing every chance I got. I hated school -that's the only thing I remember hating except working so much and having so little- never knowing how comparatively little work I really did and how absolutely much we had. We had woods and fields and cattle and always a dog and lots of cats."
Being an American means a great deal to
Rich. "As critical as I may be of the United States, I love America. I
know many, many good people in America. It seems tragic to me that
such good people have come up with such lousy leaders. The US is such
a plastic place on the surface. Appalachian culture is SO rich and I
am very thankful that my dad was Appalachian. I used to be embarrassed
by those roots, because minority and ethnic groups get half a chance
here. My dad and his family were able to get out of a poverty
situation and experienced some economic and social latitude. If you
ever get to the Lincoln Memorial and stand in front of Lincoln's huge
likeness you'll likely never feel proud again. You'll feel more like
falling on your face and saying, "Great God in heaven, this little
experiment has cost us so much and so many giants have done so many
amazing things. Can people really live together and treat each other
justly. For the sake of those who have tried so powerfully and shone
so brilliantly, let me try... somehow."