Where our intrepid editorial team take an askance look at the weird and wonderful world of music and media.
Couldn't help but smile at the announcement of the new album from America's Glad. Having found fame as an acapella group the band now move from zero accompanists to literally dozens. Their new album is 'The Symphony Project' with the London Symphony Orchestra.
Our lips were also stretched when we rang up the 'secular' heavy-metal record company Music For Nations seeking information on Detritus. While waiting to be put through to the press office the switchboard plugged us through for a snatch of music. And what was it they played? Some Megadeath vortex of sound from the pit of hell? No, a tinny synth version of "Thine Be The Glory".
Congratulations for Brussel Spaceship getting in a recent NME (well, their gigs were listed). It seems though their taste in silly names is not really appreciated. The item read " Brussels Spaceship, a Chichester band who must win the most appalling name of the year award". Maybe NME scribes, but they're actually called Brussel Spaceship.
While on the subject of the music papers, Melody Maker ran an
intriguing interview with Gordon Gano of the Violent Femmes (pictured)
in its June 1 issue. He was asked what church he'd gone to the Sunday
prior to his interview. His response? "I, uh, keep that to myself. But
I'm playing guitar there, which is wonderful. The pastor is about 75
and she plays the organ, there's this 12-year-old kid who plays drums,
and I think, well, I know that we rock more than Mercy Seat, Femmes, I
don't care who. I mean, we rock."