Adrian Thompson of veteran indie rock team SPLIT LEVEL gives a track-by-track run down of the band's latest album 'Glo.bal'.

This is essentially a worship song or a psalm which
celebrates the power of God. As the Bible clearly states, there is
absolutely nothing which God cannot do and there should not be a
barrier from individual Christians for stopping God doing what he
feels he needs to do or wants to do. This song just simply sets the
tone for the album in just saying that God is everything and is in
"Twister" started life as two separate songs and about
a week before pre-production began I was looking over all lyrics and
songs and it just seemed to be right that both sections fitted
together. This song essentially talks about how Satan can really turn
things and twist them in such a way that we don't understand them and
can sow great seeds of doubt. However, as Thomas discovered in the
Bible, it is very easy for us to have doubts in our faith and these
can be planted by Satan or can be a reaction to what goes on around
us. "Twister" is straightforward and honest and just says that
sometimes we doubt and we shouldn't be afraid to admit this. David was
quite open about talking to God and telling him how he felt, even
whenever he was going through tough times and it is no shame for any
Christian to admit that they are going through a real hard time trying
to understand their faith.
In Britain today there is a society called Emily's List
which helps support women in politics. Named after the Suffragette
Emiline Pankhurst, one of their policies is that they will help and
support women members who wish to have abortions. In effect, this
means that some potential politicians will have a great image locally,
but in the background have assisted in the murder of an innocent child
as they further their political career. In no way can we as Christians
stand by and let this happen, and this is a tribute to those potential
children who have not been given the chance to live.
Written in about an hour, this song is a response to the
fact that a lot of people turn to New Age techniques in pursuit of
healings. The damage such exposure causes to one's soul and spirit is
profound. We pray and hope for people to receive a complete healing of
spirit, soul and body.
Paul wrote to the Romans about doing things he
didn't want to do, and this is a personal reflection on the same
struggle. It is easy to get caught up in things which at first seem
innocent, but as time goes on we discover that it has taken us away
from what God wants us to be and where he wants us to be. This is
simply the human conflict which will go on from generation to
generation in doing things that we don't want to do.
In my homeland of Northern Ireland, tradition
is one of the roots of what has become known as the Troubles. This
song cries for those involved to expand their vision and think about
what is happening rather than sticking to this "my father stood for
this and so will I" attitude. It is time that people started to expand
their brains and expand their minds rather than keeping everything
within traditions.
The truth is that the world likes to blame God and
Christians for difficult things that happen around them. This can
stunt the growth of some Christians, but the fact is that we need to
get out of the shadows and stand in the truth of the light and not be
This song reiterates God's presence.
Even though sometimes we don't feel it, the fact is that his
presence is there and he is there to sustain us.
This is the only song we have written completely whilst in
the studio and it is a simple pop song. It is one just to encourage
people to get out there and grow and to rise above circumstances
without being conceited about it.
This used to be a heads down, thrashy punk song but
Rick Elias helped us to pull it into more of a groove. It basically
says that while there is even just a glimmer of hope or the mustard
seed is still planted in our lives, we need to hold on to that and not
let it go out.
This is the one we stole! I always wanted to do
an Undertones cover and Gary wanted to try this one. The original idea
was that we were going to fake this as from a live concert, but I
think most people will know that this was just a lot of fun. We did it
in one take and had a good laugh doing it in the studio.