Sweden's VIOLA talks us through tracks on her new album

"Praise Him"
This is a song that I always went
around singing. It was written by America's Lenny LeBlanc. Cleaning
the house or washing the dishes, I always had it on my mind. The words
always remind me how I want to praise him. I want the songs I sing to
speak encouragement and comfort. This song is simply a song to
encourage me and others to praise him even in hard times. It has
helped me many times to just enjoy myself with him in my daily walk.
Thank you Lenny!
""Only In The Name"
We are so liberal today,
even in the church, we so easily just accept whatever, as long as we
just love one another. I wrote this simple song as a proclamation to
everything and everyone that Jesus is the only way. His sacrifice is
the true sign of love. He is too much, and we shouldn't whisper about
that. There is no other name than Jesus that we can come to God and
find true meaning of life.
""Let Me Be There Too"
I often think about how
easy it is to speak about love, but we have a long way to go until we
understand what it means to give and live love. Before God we are all
naked. We all need someone, sometimes it's hard to find that one. We
are not strong alone, we need one another, we just forget that. Maybe
if we are silent for a while, he can show us.
""Unfailing Love"
This song is like an old hymn.
It reminds me of the cross and our need of forgiveness. As I remember
what he has done for me, it's easier for me to relate to others and
allow me to see where we all come from. We are nothing without him,
and that's okay.
""Still I Wonder"
We so often try to explain God
and make him reasonable. When it comes to God, I think it is okay to
wonder and just receive that he came to be one of us and he is for
real. When Jobe wrote this he felt that it was for someone else to
sing. When we met and I heard the words I could really relate to the
song and we both agreed that I should sing it. Thanks Jobe!
""Heart Wide Open"
The world keeps itself real
busy. It tries to take away our focus of what is important in life. By
having our heart wide open means being so desperate after him that
nothing else can satisfy. Life can be tough! Let us hold on. It helps
to look a little bit higher sometimes.
""Shout To The Lord"
This is a wonderful song
that I love to sing. It was written by Darlene Zschech whom the Lord
is using very much in Australia. We so easily put other things before
God, just to find that no one can bring comfort and peace like he can.
This song, I think, is just a beautiful gift God gave Darlene to
encourage and to remind us more of what we have by believing in Jesus,
and to lead us closer to him.
""Have Faith In God"
This is my favourite song.
Geoff Bullock is an excellent writer, this song is really anointed. It
ministers to many wherever I go. I believe that whatever we have to
give to God, he can use it and make it into something very beautiful.
I often stop and think of why God, who sees everything, still uses us.
I know his pleasure is not to destroy - but to take what we have and
use it for his glory.
""Min Alskade Jesus"
I was sitting at home one
day and I felt really empty and worn out. Then this song came to me
and pulled me out of my despair. It is a very simple song about how
God writes his own love song in each of our hearts, to release us to
become what we are supposed to be. A worshiper for him.
""There Is None Like You"
This is the title cut,
because there really is none like him. With all the places I go, with
all the people I meet and with all the experience I have, nothing
compares to him. No matter what I go through or emotions I feel. When
I evaluate everything in the light of him, I still must sing "there is
none like you."