Record Collector report on Alice Cooper
THE SEPTEMBER issue of Record Collector magazine has published a
six-page interview with horror rock icon Alice Cooper. As well as talking about his
new album 'Road', Cooper spoke about how in 1977 he stopped drinking
alcohol and using drugs. He said, "When I walked out of the hospital,
I had no desire to drink or take drugs ever again. The doctors said,
'Well, that's nice, but you have to go to AA and you have to have a
sponsor.' I said, 'You don't understand. It's gone.' The said, 'It
doesn't just go away' and I said, 'It did.' God took it away from me.
People say, 'You're a cured alcoholic' and I say, 'No, it's much more
than that. I'm a healed alcoholic. That means I don't have to work at
it. I don't have to sit and worry about it. It's gone, as if I'd never
had a drink in my life.' The doctors called it a miracle and I said,
'Well, it is.'"