Blanca enjoys third hit from her 'Shattered' album

THE FORMER member of the Group 1 Crew hitmakers, Blanca, continues with
her string of hits from her second solo album 'Shattered'. "Remind me"
has just made number one on Billboard's CHR/Hot AC radio chart. Said
Blanca, "'Remind Me'
was written at a moment in my life where I desperately needed to
remember God's faithfulness. It became an anthem I clung to when
everything around me seemed to be at a breaking point. Now over two
years from that dark place I was in, I'm able to see how he got me
through it once again. Not only did God get me through, but he made
such beauty from the ashes. This song going number one is a testament
of that! Sometimes we need a little nudge, a reminder of all he's done
for us. . . If he did it then, he can do it again!"