Book Of Hope

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Thursday 4th September 2014

Memoir written by Plumb; Curb releasing Deluxe Edition of 'Need You Now'

FEMALE pop and dance hitmaker Plumb tells her story in a book due to be published on 16th September. Need You Now: A Story Of Hope chronicles the singer's joys and struggles in work, marriage and family. On the same date as the book's publication a Deluxe Edition of Plumb's 'Need You Now' album is also being released. Said Plumb, "Need You Now: A Story Of Hope is the book I was created to write. It's a memoir, the story of my life. And a big part of that story is the fall and rebuilding of my marriage. What God did in and through me and my marriage has changed who I am. As an artist. As a writer. As a wife and mother. As a woman. And as a believer in God's relentless passion to fight for us, if we allow Him to. It will make you laugh and it will make you cry, and at the end of the book, I can promise, you'll have more hope than you did when you opened the first page." CR

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