Rock team Jonah33 call it a day
AMERICAN rock band Jonah33 have disbanded. Vocalist Vince Lichlyter wrote, "Jonah33 decided to call it quits mainly because there is one solid principle in the Kingdom, and that is that everything operates in seasons. The season for Jonah33 had come to end. There are many details that need not be mentioned, but overall, we all felt like it was time. The ship had 'run its course' if you will. It seemed like odd timing as we had just released 'The Heart Of War', our third album, but it just seemed natural. Of course, in perspective of God's timing, we all had other things to go to, so it was just confirmation that it was the right move. We met SO many people over the past 8 years, too many to count, that supported us, believed in us and loved us, and for that, we will always be in debt. Words cannot describe what they mean to us."
Vince Lichlyter is set to release a solo album 'Helium'. Also
recording a solo project is the band's Josh Dougan under the name The
Joshua Project.