Chris Cole joins God TV
THE FOUNDER and CEO of Cross Rhythms, Chris Cole has announced that from October 1st 2005 he has taken on a new role as UK Regional Director for the global Christian TV initiative, God TV. Said Chris, "Far from being a sudden decision, this direction has come after more than a year and a half's discussion between Rory and Wendy Alec at God TV, myself and the Cross Rhythms trustees. It was an extremely difficult decision to make after birthing and establishing Cross Rhythms over so many pioneering years. Indeed all the counsel I received knew it was the right direction for my wife Kerry and I to take.
Chris continued, "My heart has always been to be a bridge between one generation and the next. To do my best to ensure that the baton gets passed on and that the next generation has the best opportunity to advance the cause of Christ in their generation. With Cross Rhythms we have travailed to establish a Christian media voice that can credibly stand up in contemporary society. When we started, for many in the Church, rock 'n' roll was 'of the devil'. Now there are many movements within the Church making significant progress in engaging relevantly with today's society and not afraid to use the cultural expressions of the day such as radio and music, to do so. Our vision for many years has been to build the vehicle. Now it is the time to pass that vehicle on for the next generation to drive and take it somewhere.
"We have never seen Cross Rhythms as simply an organization that is built around one man's vision and everyone serving him. We have seen it as a community of disciples where as each grows in their personal faith under God their level of influence and responsibility for establishing the Kingdom of God grows within the community. Jonathan Bellamy has been with us for 13 years and has been like a son in the faith to me. He picks up the mantle of running Cross Rhythms not because it is the right, prudent business decision but because we believe God has identified over the years that Jonathan is his choice to take it on. It has been a close mentoring role, similar to a Paul/Timothy or Moses/Joshua relationship, and I have every confidence in him and his wife Heather to take Cross Rhythms forward from where Kerry and I have brought it."
Chris' involvement with Cross Rhythms will continue though as he sees
his move to God TV as an expansion of the strategy of God. He said,
"There has been a close working relationship between Cross Rhythms and
God TV for more than eight years. I believe this move will only
strengthen that relationship and, God willing, empower more effective
Christian media in the UK for the years ahead."