Legend Cliff Richard in festival revival
SIR CLIFF Richard is to break into his much-publicised 'sabbatical' year to help revive a Christian festival this summer. The 59-year-old singer, who defied the critics by taking "The Millennium Prayer" to the top of the charts last December, will sing at the Hearts On fire festival at Glastonbury in July. His pledge has saved the vision of festival organisers, who abandoned last year's festival but now plan a three-day event, as a millennium dream come true. "We are overwhelmed. It will be a tremendous privilege." said organiser Rick Hillard.
Sir Cliff's appearance, for at least an hour, will assure a full house of 12.000 during the festival at Glastonbury Abbey from July 14th-16th. He has agreed to take part in return for a donation to charity. "To be celebrating 2000 years since the time of Jesus is a special event in itself; to do so at a place with such significant links to the earliest believers in this country is all the more exciting," he said.
Also appearing on Hearts On fire are seminal worship man Graham
Kendrick, singer/songwriter Paul field and Noel Tredinnick and the All
Souls Orchestra. The event, which was cancelled last year due to lack
of support, will also feature Dave Bilbrough, Ishmael, Paul Heyman,
and Linda Pearce. Bill Drake and Dave Clemo. Among the attractions
will be a Gala Night when the All Souls Orchestra will be joined by
soloists from the West End and a performance of Kendrick's Millennium
Chorus with live music and an audio/visual presentation.