Two Christian acts, one American, one British, fight it out for Double Portion moniker.
TWO URBAN artists with the same name, Double Portion, have emerged onto the
Christian scene. Dreyson S Clark from Shreveport, Louisianna, after
some critically acclaimed mix-tape releases, has released his first
full length hip-hop album 'Under New M.G.M.T.' on Dunamis Records. At
the same time a London-based Double Portion have emerged. This duo
consists of producer Karl Nova (best known for his work with gospel
collective G.K. Real) and Florida rapper Folashade. The have released
the mix-tape 'Redeemed Beats Vol 1'.
My aunt and uncle's Christian band had the same name but recently had too change it to Canada's Double Portion b/c the Louisianna Double Portion had already copyrighted(?) their name. Check 'em out at