Ohio-based rapper Armond WakeUp releases' Even If I Lose' set

THE NEW album by Ohio-based rapper Armond WakeUp, 'Even if I Lose' on Illect
Recording, features several guests including Sean C Johnson, Jonathan
Baker, DJ Because and Brieah Taiye. Production credits include
Tee-Wyla, Ess Be, Doc, J Rhodan and Jonathan Baker. Talking about his
album Armond said, "'Even If I Lose' is an album concept I've had for
a few years, but didn't feel a release to write it until February
2017. I was praying for direction and I heard God say 'you've always
created these projects about a concept and fit me in them. When are
you gonna create a project about me?' 'Even If I Lose' is me stripped
down to nothing, but it is easily the strongest music I've ever
created. It's energetic, it's confrontational, it's powerful."