Phillips, Craig & Dean ready 'Above It All' album
THE LATEST album by CCM hitmakers Phillips, Craig & Dean, 'Above
It All', is set for UK release by Authentic Media on 17th November.
One track on the album, "If Not For Grace", was written by the group's
Dan Dean, his son Devin and songwriter Jenny Lee Riddle (best known
for Phillips, Craig & Dean's megahit "Revelation Song"). Said Dan
Dean, "Recording 'If Not For Grace' was a real neat moment for me. I
met with Jennie and said, 'Do you mind if I bring my son in? He's 27
and he's our worship pastor. He's been doing some writing and has an
album that he's recorded.' And she said, 'Bring him on!' So my son
came in and we wrote 'If Not For Grace,' which was an idea I toyed
around with for a year or so. Grace is a theme that we've covered a
lot on our albums. It turned out to be a really fun song, and it was a
great experience for me to see my son's talents. He's a very
wonderfully gifted kid with a great attitude, loves God and just to
work with him on this song was a lot of fun for me."