Hollyn releases first single from 'Bye, Sad Girl' EP

GOTEE RECORDS will be releasing on 6th September a six-song EP, 'Bye,
Sad Girl' by CCM hitmaker Hollyn. A single from the project, "I Feel
Bad For You", co-written and produced by Cole Walowac (NF, Aaron
Cole), has been released. Said Hollyn, "I often reflect on the times I've
been alone and those moments where you're trying to figure it all out.
We have all been there, like our feelings are waves 20 feet tall,
about to capsule us and never let go. In those moments, all I wanted
was a hug. . . for someone to look me in the eyes and let me know I
was seen, I was loved, and I could make it through whatever was
overwhelming me. If I wouldn't have had people who volunteered to be
there for me, acknowledge my feelings, and empower me, I don't know
where I'd be today. Recently, I thought to myself, what about the girl
who has no one? What is she going to do when grief swallows her and
abandonment stings her soul? What if she doesn't know there's a God
who loves her, or even refuses to believe in that kind of thing? How
do I comfort her even though I'm thousands of miles away, and we've
never met? By sharing my story, my grief, my abandonment, my freedom,
my thoughts, my emotions. . . that might just bring her that sense of
comfort she's been waiting for. Because, you see, we are not alive to
fix people's problems, but to empower and love alongside them in the
way they should go."