Texas-based Anthony Evans set to release 'Altared' album

THE SINGER, songwriter, actor and worship leader from Dallas, Texas,
Anthony Evans, will
be releasing on 17th May the 'Altared' album. Said Evans, "God is on
our journey with us daily and he's fighting for our well-being, no
matter if we hear a 'no', 'yes' or 'maybe'. He's literally fighting
for you and with you on your journey where you are. It's not when you
get it together, it's where you are currently. I've experienced growth
when I realised that, no matter where I am God is with and right next
to me on the journey. . . fighting for me daily. That started to alter
the way that I viewed my relationship with the Lord. That's what this
song stated and I wanted that to be the message of this album."