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Wednesday 22nd January 2014

John Mark McMillan releases single, readies album

RENOWNED worship man and singer/songwriter John Mark McMillan has just released the single "Future/Past" through iTunes. It is from his forthcoming studio album 'Borderland' which will be released on McMillan's new label Lionhawk Records on 4th March. Said McMillan, "'Borderland' speaks to the idea of the 'place between places,' which is where I feel I've been living as a person, as an artist and as a believer for a couple of years. While few things describe the Christian experience more than the 'place between places,' it is also a concept everyone can relate to. We all walk lines between work and family, love and responsibility, art and commerce, passion and business and so on. Many of these songs are my commentary from a life between the crevices and on the verge." CR

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