T Bone Burnett and Dan Wheeler pull from Greenbelt bill
A COUPLE of late withdrawals from this year's Greenbelt Festival have occurred. America's T Bone Burnett had to make an 11th hour withdrawal from the festival, scheduled to take place at Cheltenham Racecourse on Friday 25th August. Said Burnett, "It is with deep regret that I won't be able to attend the festival this year. I had been looking forward to performing with great excitement, but the work schedule on a film I have long been committed to has changed and will directly conflict with the festival. I would like to try again for next year if the invitation still holds."
In other news, British singer/songwriter Dan Wheeler has also had to
pull from the festival. He is replaced by singer/pianist Nicki Rogers.
A crowd of over 20,000 is expected for the event which features such
acts as Daniel Bedingfield, Blindside, Candi Staton, Brian Houston,
Maria McKee, Yfriday and many more.