Terror attacks prompt interview with singer/songwriter Rob Halligan.
MIDLANDS singer/songwriter Rob Halligan was interviewed by Jeremy Vine live on Radio Two after the terror attacks on London. Halligan was interviewed as someone who had experienced first hand the effects of terrorism, having lost his father in the 9/11 attack of the Twin Towers. The interview began with Vine asking Halligan how he felt. A transcript follows:
"Shocked, like many people. You feel frustratingly helpless. The day obviously brought back 9/11 for me as it would have done for many others, including those affected by Madrid, Bali and other events."
"You have a particular way of looking at this though," Vine continued.
"I'm a Christian and I've had to work things through. Jesus said we should love our enemies which is hard but as a Christian I have to look at that."
"You're saying we should forgive them?"
"It's a tough one but if those responsible for the way we retaliate
profess to be Christian they should bear that in mind. If we're going
to have Christian memorial services then we need to think about these
things as well."