Pop rockers 7eventh Time Down release "Trust" single

THE NASHVILLE-based pop rock band 7eventh Time Down, whose "I Have Decided"
single was playlisted by Cross Rhythms last year, have released a new
single, "Trust". Explained the group's lead singer, Mikey Howard,
"'Trust' is a song I believe the Lord gave me and my friends to help
get me through one of the hardest times of my life. I was on the road
just last year when I got the call from my wife that we had miscarried
our third baby. We were both devastated with more questions for God
than answers from him. My wife encouraged me to do the show that night
because people needed to know God was still good even in the middle of
our heartbreak. I remember walking into soundcheck sobbing, attempting
to share with the guys in my band the horrible news. The guys quickly
surrounded me that afternoon showering me and my wife with prayers and
love. I don't really remember what they prayed because I was crying so
hard. But I do remember one small voice and I believe it was the Lord
saying 'Mikey, do you trust me?' I made a choice that afternoon to do
just that. I've been sharing this story for months now and I'm so
excited to see people continue to find healing from their own
heartache and grief."