Unknown rappers featured on 'Best Of The Submissions' album.
FAMED American record producer Todd Collins has launched a new label,
Beatmart Recordings. The first release, 'Best Of The Submissions',
released in the UK through Authentic Music, is a compilation of
exclusive tracks showing the best unsigned rappers and emcees in the
Christian hip-hop scene. Joining the cast of newcomers are established
artists such as KJ-52, Manchild (from Mars Ill) and Sev Static. The
album offers rappers from around the world an opportunity to have
their recordings on a planned 2005 'Submissions' release. By putting
'Best Of The Submissions' in a computer the listener is taken to a
secret website, which can only be unlocked with the CD, where they can
post their own material. Once the song has been submitted, it will be
posted to the public site at www.beatmart.com where people will vote
on their favourites. Each month, a winner will be determined by the
song receiving the most votes. At the end of the year, the monthly
winners will go head to head and the top three will be included on the
2005 'Submissions' CD.
yo wut it do fam?
I'm a rapper/producer from Nigeria, west Afrca. i'll want you to get me posted with this question. do you normally work with secular artist aswel? Holla