Hitmaker's Hymn

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Wednesday 27th October 2010

Owl City records his interpretation of Stuat Townend's "In Christ Alone"

MAINSTREAM techno pop hitmaker Owl City has surprised industry observers by posting a blog on his website with a stream offering his interpretation of the popular modern hymn "In Christ Alone". The song is composed by Ireland's Keith Getty and England's Stuart Townend. Wrote Owl City on his blog, "I was up late last night and decided to record a 'cover song' of sorts. Not for anything special, just for fun. I'm 24 years old, yet something about this song makes me bawl like a baby. The way the melodies and lyrics swirl together is so poignant and beautiful. If I were to count on one hand the number of songs that have ever deeply moved me, this one would take the cake. Last night I probably spent more time actually crying at the piano than I did recording it. Such are the secret confessions of a shy boy from Minnesota." CR

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