A official website supporting the ill-Larry Norman is now live
AN OFFICIAL Larry Norman UK website and a UK division of the singer's Solid Rock Records have been established to promote the Christian rock pioneer's medical expenses. The new website (www.larrynorman.uk.com) will make available part of the extensive Solid Rock music catalogue in the UK with income from all products sold going towards Larry's medical expenses. It will also be possible for UK residents to make donations to Larry's medical fund.
The singer, famous for such songs as "Why Should The Devil Have All The Good Music", "I Wish We'd All Been Ready" and "The Great American Novel", has been in ill health for many years. In 1992 he had a severe heart attack and has continued to have years of deteriorating health. Shortly after recording his Tourniquet' album in 2001, Larry was rushed to hospital to have emergency quadruple bypass surgery. Since this operation Larry has been very weak and losing weight yet fighting to recover and to remain positive in his outlook. His medical insurance company have refused to pay for the neuro-surgeon, the nutritionist, the necessary heart tablets and the delfiltrator/pacemaker maintenance costs.
Said Alan Gibson of Solid Rock UK about the new website, "The
www.larrynorman.uk.com website will be the focal point to communicate
our vision - being a source of information on Larry, his ongoing
health condition and requirements, prayer requests, means to financial
support Larry's medical expenses and to encourage the purchase of
Solid Rock CDs. There are plans for a website page dedicated to
listing all shops that are stocking Solid Rock CDs. To make the Larry Norman UK venture
succeed I need the Christian community to make every effort to
advertise, publicise and do their best to ensure all those UK fans of
Larry from the 70s, 80s and 90s have the opportunity to visit the new
UK website and learn of Larry's medical needs - and hopefully make a
donation and/or purchase CDs to aid the cause".