Ex-Busted singer Charlie Simpson talks about his new-found faith
THE NEW handbag-sized magazine aimed at teenage girls, Caris, launched
at the Greenbelt Festival, features an exclusive interview with
Charlie Simpson, the former lead singer of hitmaking band Busted. In
the interview Simpson spoke about how he had recently gone on an Alpha
course. He said, "It was brilliant. I really enjoyed it. I definitely
have a faith and firmly believe in the Christian faith." Simpson now
fronts the band Fightstar, who will soon be releasing their
second album 'One Day Son, This Will All Be Yours'. He told Caris
about how his faith was influencing his songwriting, "On a few of the
songs on the new album there are a few references. It is
subconsciously there in what I'm trying to say. The album has much
more relationship-based stuff, but there are moments when I talk about
What a shame.