New album release 'Liquid Exorcist' from Rusty Shipp

NASHVILLE-based Rusty
Shipp are due to release their new album 'Liquid Exorcist' on
November 7th. The album tells the story of sea mine terrorism in the
1940s, and already has three singles/videos. Lead singer Russ T Shipp
said, "For this new album we're really drawing out the ingredients of
our staple 'nautical rock 'n' roll' sound in bold and experimental
ways to tell the story of 'Liquid Exorcist'. While progressing the
experimental sounds of this new genre, we're also channelling our
roots to give homage to our collective influences, such as doing a
Chris Cornell tribute song and songs that are an obvious nod to '60s
surf rock, prog rock and Nirvana-esque grunge pop."