Fund to honour Steven Curtis Chapman's daughter reaches $500,000
AS OF THIS week, over $500,000 has been donated to Shaohannah's Hope's
Maria's Miracle Fund set up in honour of Maria Sue Chapman, the five
year old daughter of Steven Curtis Chapman and wife Mary Beth,
who recently lost her life from a tragic accident at their home. Said
Scott Hasenbalg, executive director of Shaohannah's Hope, "For the
Maria's Miracle Fund to surpass a half a million dollars in such a
short amount of time is remarkable, especially knowing it wasn't just
one person writing one big check but rather that number represents
hundreds of people demonstrating their thoughtfulness and love for the
Chapmans and what we do as a ministry. We are extremely aware of the
responsibility we have to carry out our mission and be a good stewards
of every dollar that comes into our ministry."