Mario Winans' explicit lyrics criticised in Christian Herald.
AMERICAN R&B star and UK pop chartmaker Mario Winans came in for
considerable criticism in the 3rd July edition of Christian Herald.
Under the heading Not So Super, Mario, columnist George Luke wrote
about the singer, who is the son of gospel star Vickie Winans and the
nephew of BeBe and CeCe Winans. Commented Luke, "Unlike the rest of
his family, Mario has chosen not to sing gospel. That in itself isn't
a problem (at least, not for me I'm not a believer in the 'gospel v
secular' music divide we Christians have created). The trouble is,
some of Mario's songs are so risqué, his album's had to have that
'Parental Guidance Advisory: Explicit Lyrics' sticker (usually
reserved for the worst gangsta rap or heavy metal offerings) put on
it. The name Winans has become one of the most recognised brands in
Christian music culture. And in the same way that consumers come to
associate certain qualities with their favourite brand names,
Christian music fans have certain expectations from the Winans brand.
You simply do not expect a member of 'The First Family Of Gospel' to
swear on their records."
Let go and let God. He can show/tell Mario much more effectively then we can. Yes, even the prodigal son returned to his roots.