Max Explores The Blood

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Tuesday 24th April 2007

Kevin Max set to release musical exploration of the Gospel

IN WHAT is described as "a very personal project" American singer/songwriter Kevin Max will make a musical exploration of the Gospel on his new album 'The Blood'. Said Max, "'The Blood' is not a classic hymns cover project or a white/homogenized version of black gospel or soul music. It's a sensitive and stylized adaptation of the music that was at the root of rock and roll, blues and popular culture. 'The Blood' is about the story of redemption and grace, found only in the salvation story of Jesus Christ. We intend to produce with kid gloves, but also with our hearts on overdrive and our heads in check. There is an extreme sense of respect and sensitivity to the art as we approach the choosing and arrangement of these songs." Infinity Music Distribution plan to release 'The Blood' in the autumn. CR

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Reader Comments

Posted by Paulo Henrique in Brazil @ 21:38 on Aug 16 2007

I like the musics, Kevin Max...
'The Blood' is about the story of redemption and grace, found only in the salvation story of Jesus Christ.

The opinions expressed in the Reader Comments are not necessarily those held by Cross Rhythms.

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