Melinda Watts to play Birmingham and Bradford
AWARD-winning gospel singer Melinda Watts will be playing her first UK
dates at Birmingham's Judah Festival which takes place from 9th to
13th August. Melinda will also be playing Bradford on 12th August.
Melinda rose to prominence in the States through the Gospel Dream
competition and subsequently recorded the 'People Get Ready' album on
which J Moss guested.
Melinda Watts will be ministering at RCCG Chapel of Grace, Bradford during our Bold & Unashamed Conference hosted by Ignite, our youth group Friday August 12th-14th August 2011
Venue: RCCG Chapel of Grace, 355 Great Horton Road, Bradford, BD7 3BZ
Friday @ 7pm-10pm
Saturday @ 6pm-8.30pm
Sunday @ 10am-12.30pm
Other guests include Soul Hustle (USA), Aranesa (USA), James Aladiran (Prayer Storm, Manchester) & Ben Alder (Burn 24/7).
For more information visit or Cog Bradford on facebook