Veteran CCM star Carman marries

VETERAN CCM star Carman has married. He announced, "It's been
a long time coming but Uncle Carm, the proverbial bachelor, bit the
dust tonight when I married the new Diana Licciardello in Dallas,
Texas. It's a long day and a real miracle story that I will share all
the details in the days and weeks to come. But let me just say this
about the goodness of God: four years ago I was diagnosed with
incurable cancer with a short time to live. Pushing 60, with no hope
for a family or a long life, most of my family have our passed away or
live in such distant lives that we never see each other. So my family
had shrunk to my mother, my sister-in-law Sandy and my niece Loni.
Just us four. Today, I am 100 per cent cancer free with a beautiful,
godly wife and huge family - add three new sisters, seven nieces, five
nephews, one son, five daughters and nine grandchildren. . . And it's
only just beginning."