Bono, Michael English, Pat Boone, Amy Grant soon to be published
AN UNPRECEDENTED number of books by Christian musicians are being published in the US in 2007.
Thomas Nelson are publishing On The Move by Bono, a small book by U2's lead singer which includes the full text of a speech the activist gave at the 2006 National Prayer Breakfast in Washington DC. In the speech Bono reflected on his own faith, discussed justice and equality and encouraged Americans to work together on behalf of those Jesus called "the least of these."
Thomas Nelson is also publishing the life story of Michael English, the one time CCM star who returned multiple Dove Awards after the revelation in 1994 that he was having an illicit affair with First Call's Marabeth Jordan. Now back on the music scene and often appearing on Gaither's Homecoming Friends videos, Michael English tells his story in The Prodigal Comes Home.
In autumn of 2007 Random House will be publishing the book The River
Runs Wide, a collection of reflections on the life and faith of CCM
star Amy Grant. On November 1st, B&H Publishing Group will be
publishing the autobiographical and highly pictorial book Pat Boone's
America: 50 Years.